How hard it is to set a truce like one year or half a year?

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Easy enough to change:

As for why?
I was fan of 25 days strict truce period previously because in these times there was no tribute system, player was paying a kingdom 100K to make truce then just 1-2 days later same kingdom was declaring war again so these times strict rules were needed.
what program you use to open for edit this?
I use dnSpy.

Thank you. I've tried to find the line in dnspy but couldn't. I'm a noob at this and thought it was a simple change, but I ain't a coder. Probably a bit too in over my head with this.
I had the same problem when I was starting out. Someone helped me (and a lot of others) though. These are his detailed step-by-step instructions for making changes in dnSpy:

Follow these instructions:
  1. Click on the magnifying glass icon at the top, or go to Edit > Search Assemblies.
  2. In the search bar type, "SpeedUpMultiplier" without the quotations marks.
  3. Right click SpeedUpMultiplier in the results box and select "Analyze".
  4. In the Analyzer, click the dropdown arrows for Set > Used By and double click on the "OnLoad" method.
  5. In the OnLoad method, right click on the line of code that says "this.SpeedUpMultiplier = 4f;" and select "Edit IL Instructions..."
  6. Change the number 4 to a 20 and press "Okay" in the bottom right.
  7. Go up to File > Save Module and save your changes. Close dnSpy and you should be good to go.
Here's a picture to help guide you:

One final thing to note: anytime a patch is released (including hotfixes), the dll file will be reaquired from Steam and your changes will be wiped. This unfortunately means you will need to follow the steps again to reapply the changes. Once you get the hang of it it should go quickly though.

Let me know if that works!
I think it would be best if the dev allowed the peace treaties to be negotiable for player and to the AI the allow us to change by some sort of slider on options or like they place the "death of family and companions" with a set number of days, how many days, how it owuld be, etc.


Is this possible?
20 days does seem too short, but any higher by default and people might grow annoyed or bored with nothing to do. It's a very delicate part to balance. I think 25-30 ought to be the default though, and then allow the option to be "edited" via in game systems.
people might grow annoyed or bored with nothing to do.
There are other factions on which we can declare war. I think 42 days is a suitable term. Half a year makes the truce actually mean something.
I think it would be best if the dev allowed the peace treaties to be negotiable for player and to the AI the allow us to change by some sort of slider on options or like they place the "death of family and companions" with a set number of days, how many days, how it owuld be, etc.
That will be perfect.
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