how good is this game?

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Hello, forums. I was directed here by someone who plays this game. I wonder how realistic is the medival combat of this? what type of world is it? are there monthly fees? is it sword and sorcery?

how well are horses handled? can youb trample your enemies?
It's realistic medieval combat. You can't trample enemies with horses (although maybe in future updates) but you can knock them over. Go download the demo if you'd like to try. It'll let you go to level 6.
The answer to all of your questions can be found in the demo. Keep in mind that this game is still in "beta" so there is still a lot to be done in the way of content and other such things. Oh, and there is no monthly fee. Just a one time fee of $10 if you want to buy a license to play past level 6 (highly recommended).
ChengYi said:
Hello, forums. I was directed here by someone who plays this game. I wonder how realistic is the medival combat of this? what type of world is it? are there monthly fees? is it sword and sorcery?

how well are horses handled? can youb trample your enemies?
The combat is excellent. It's a quasi-medieval world (and whew, there's no magic!).

The bow makes me feel like I'm Legolas. You ou can can choose what type of fighter you want to be though (there are loads of weapons).

When you charge with your horse, the enemy will get knocked down to the ground (and losses health points depending on the value of your charge).

Ride on a horse and use a shord/shied or bow/arrow combo. It's amazing. :grin:
Rando said:
The answer to all of your questions can be found in the demo. Keep in mind that this game is still in "beta" so there is still a lot to be done in the way of content and other such things. Oh, and there is no monthly fee. Just a one time fee of $10 if you want to buy a license to play past level 6 (highly recommended).
$12 now. It's steadily creeping up with each new version. The idea is to have it be $25 by the final version, I think.

Interestingly, i was searching Casque on google, and this came up.


In other news, if you're looking for 9,10-dithiophenylanthracene, you won'd find it with google. I suggest using scifinder.
Well it obviously isn't my cat. The cuts don't match and that cat has no legs.

Guess this means I'll have to change my avatar... sometime.
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