How dumb do I really think [b]you[/b] are?

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Can O Soup

I porbably think you are extremely friggin retarded. Look at you. Going around like you're someone special. You're not. Unless you are a serial killer or a Van Gogh, you don't matter. If you died right now, only about .00000067% of the people alive would even give a crap. That's an estimate of 40 people. You are not important. If you were important you wouldn't be reading this. Unless a serial killer or van Gogh is reading this right now. In which case, welcome.[/b]
I am the most important person in the world. It's because if I died, the most important person in world would give a lots of crap, which is me, so it proves my importance.

And also because my mom tells me so.
he is right. just look at the chaos you got in the netherlands when theo van gogh was killed :grin:

but you left out one categorie. beer brewers!!!! people would miss them
I wouldn't, Alcohol is the devil and so is beer!

I'd say the telecom company employees would be missed
How do serial killers matter? Why a serial killer but not a politician or a celebrity or something?
I'm sure there are alot of serial killers noone hears anything out of the city he/she is doing their craft in, and alot whos identity is never really discovered.

I'm sure even a local politician is alot more important.
Nothing matters. After all after *some* time the universum will be just a darn cold with bunch of liveless rocks floating in the space.
Pharaoh Llandy said:
I'm speshul.


But Can o' Soup, is there a reason for this thread? Is it directed at someone? Me? You little worm!!! Are you calling ME megalomanic? Moi?! Tu est un campagnard, *****!

Ok I'll calm down. For now.
What the hell is the point of this?, you're trying too hard to look intellectual, which makes you look the opposite.

But thank you, it helps to be reminded by people on the internet that I don't matter. My heart... is broke... :roll:
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