How do you pull off the old duel wield disguised as a shield trick?

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
Title says it all. I started off by copy/pasting the items line for a shield and replacing the mesh with a dagger, but in game it looked like the blade was sticking out of the hand (sorta like wolverine). Then I tried  rotating and translating the dagger in BRFedit but I kept on getting further and further off so now I have a floating dagger as a shield.

Help would be greatly appreciated.
rotate -90 Zaxis
translate 0.32 Yaxis
translate -0.04 Zaxis

that should get you very close to the right placement.
AvaRice said:
Title says it all. I started off by copy/pasting the items line for a shield and replacing the mesh with a dagger, but in game it looked like the blade was sticking out of the hand (sorta like wolverine). Then I tried  rotating and translating the dagger in BRFedit but I kept on getting further and further off so now I have a floating dagger as a shield.

Help would be greatly appreciated.

On that note, how do you get the rotating stuff to work in the BRF edit?  When I try it nothing happens.
Lord Leoric of Wercheg said:
After you click rotate, click refresh in the lower right of BRFedit and you should see the changes.

Kool!  thanks... wish I new this before when trying to fix my colision meshes...
Barf said:
rotate -90 Zaxis
translate 0.32 Yaxis
translate -0.04 Zaxis

that should get you very close to the right placement.

Thanks, it works perfectly.
Also, if you try to move things in Wings, remember that everything is mirrored along (I think) the y axis from what it is in-game.
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