How do YOU play?

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I've been trying and trying to get myself a Kingship, so I can wage wars against other kingdoms, with vassals and such to help me in my endeavors.  In reality, though, I've never gotten far enough.  I've got a couple fiefs an a whopping ~85 party size... but I'm getting there.  I'll raid a caravan once in a while, but I leave farmers alone (maybe cause I couldn't catch them if I wanted?  hehe).  I'm also not yet able to regularly defeat enemy lords, but again, getting there.  Weapons, I'll take a sword and board with the biggest crossbow you can use on horseback, and the heaviest armor I can find for myself and my mount.

As far as mods go, I'm running Diplomacy, for some added depth to my goals, and Polished Landscapes, just because it's awesome.  :smile:

And of course, there's always getting my face owned in multiplayer cause I suck at mouse block.  =\

Oh, and I'm at 155 days... but I'm starting a new game.  Not happy with how I set my skills at the beginning, some decisions, I made, etc.

How do YOU play?

Before anyone says it, I realize there have probably been numerous posts on this topic, but frankly, it's not important enough to scrounge through the forums for.  If you want it to die, don't respond.  I'm new to the community (obviously), and am merely looking for a little... constructive conversation, I guess.
I only use Diplomacy mod. In my most recent game I also went the xbow way, switching between masterwork light on horse to masterwork siege for siege and I have to say that I don't really like it. I liked the bow better, but it cost a bunch of skill points hence why I went with xbow. Armor wise there is only Heraldic Mail with Surcoat for me and all companions! For weapon I tried for the first time Morningstar when I hit 14 str and I have to say it's hard going back to anything else after you've tried it. As for my game it is getting along pretty fine, I have 13 Lords already and about 70 fief owning all of Khergit territory as well as Sarranid + Dhirim and Revadin. Only the Nords, Swadia and Rhodoks left to exterminate! Loving the end game so far (with the help of diplomacy)
I strongly recommend switching to mouse block in SP. It's VERY hard at first, but if you apply yourself and at least try to get the hang of it, all it takes is practice (and a few reloaded saved games) and you'll be able to hold your own in MP one day.
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