how do you make YOUR money?

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I wanted to make a general post on making money in MB and everyones little tricks.

For myself as soon as I start off I go to the salt mines and buy the salt for 55, then go to the next town over and sell it for 130, almost tripleing my money. When you are doing it by yourself you have a bit more speed to outrun everyone except maybe those kergit raiders.

Doing this, and paying off some bad guys not to kill me, allowed me to have a good horse and me double sided lance in 10 days, as well as getting my two friends and a small army of vegris(sp?) veterans.

i do salt-runs between zendar and salt mine. zendar is far away but its the best price i found so far( approx. 180 for salt)

after this iam getting to a well knowen and feared slave trader, with blunt-lance...
2 10man groups of riverpirates are killed/blunted in 10minutes...than i collect 2000 for this little pice of work :smile:
I take out the River Pirates.

And make slaves of pretty much anyone else I can.

I still want an option to talk or attack ANYONE.

I mean, I see a group of peasants wandering around. I should be able to rob them blind. Or attack them and make them my slaves.
slaves only give 100 each though dont they? is there a way to sell for more I guess?

kind of sucks where you capture a knight and sell him for 100 rofl. You should be able to go to the nearest faction town and ransom him for a lot of money like it was in history.
I attack slave caravans, take on freed slaves as my meetgrinder of companions, and sell the equipment I get (usualy about 5-10K worth of weapons/armor/horses per attack).
I started by running the caravan line but once I switched to swadians I started fighting. I have 22 men of varying abilities right now, and about half die in every fight but I switched to a blunt and not only hall the loot back but a bucket load of slaves.
Well beginning phases I mostly do the training stuff grab that sheild, raise enough money for a decent blunt weapon and take on little 6-10 river pirate partys by myself + a crossbow.. I started out as a squire.
Shoot them each once and it's only two or three hits from then on.

But later on when I actually have some decent equipent and a good part I run caravan guarding mission or missions from the King/just kill ****.
I am all fighting! By day 2 i was Level 6 and rising! Go and fight for a cause you earn loads of money.
Supply runs for counts and fighting high level parties (with the rest of your party with Marid and Borcha preferrably.

Supply runs can net you 10k per if you shop around so they are cool.

But I like to take on entire parties by myself, you get more loot that way. I can usually take up to 20-25 Dark Khergits, Dark Knights, or Swadians by myself, and that nets you a pretty penny (usually at least 20k).

Of course, I'm level 32, and that helps some.
I don't make an extra effort to make a lot of money but I can see there are many ways to do so. You could do the trade-route thing, the slaver thing or just stick mostly to combat and sell the loot. I do a mix of things. Even without the use of blunts, you can usually net 3-5 slaves per battle. I have found that search & destroy missions, delivery missions and rescue missions are good for getting both in XP and Denars at the same time. You don't have to spend a lot of money on equipment at first. It's more important to hire and train a lot of soldiers and pay their wages.
I started as a squire, put a point into Leadership immediately. Bet on myself a few times in the tourney, then hired as many townsfolk as I could and started killing river pirates. I was on my way up to the Salt Mine and was attacked by Khergit Raiders. My band of 17 watchmen and 4 caravan guards and I (level 4) took them out and gained about 6k in loot. After that, I've been fighting sea raiders and such and getting loot from them. I get around 5-7k per run, sometimes a bit more. I'm level 12 now, and I've about 9k since I just bought new boots and a suit of plates (totaled 18k). My shield was about 6k and my sword 8k. My helm was about 3k, I think. I keep three saddle horses in my inventory and one for riding purposes (mostly captured). I'm fairly wealthy.
I like the Iron run. It's quite fast trip and gives good profits. The oil trip is pretty good too.

Silk gives best margins but she rarelly have more than 2-3 available so it's quite useless at the moment imho.

Otherwise I mix too. Haven't tried joining any side as of yet.

I take a whole bunch of Count quests at once and kill stuff when I'm moving between towns buying things. When I'm running low on guys I just raid the next prisoner train.
The accompanying question is how fat is your wallet now? I'm sitting pretty on a wee bit more than 700,000. All of it purely from loot off the battlefield. I'm now at the point where I only take items that are worth over 1,000. Anything below that I leave behind.

I'm going for the million. Has anyone got it yet?
DarkUnderlord said:
The accompanying question is how fat is your wallet now? I'm sitting pretty on a wee bit more than 700,000. All of it purely from loot off the battlefield. I'm now at the point where I only take items that are worth over 1,000. Anything below that I leave behind.

I'm going for the million. Has anyone got it yet?

You're not carrying that much in cash when you go raiding, I hope? That's why we need a bank or a least a big hole in the backyard to bury the treasure. But then we'd need a yard. And a shovel.

I'd like to see a character able to purchase a villa and upgrade it with his blood money. Or purchase a tavern and tell old war stories.

Or a ranch. Maybe a small down-on-its-luck town that you could rename and settle down in. With a detached castle, then you could sally forth to repel bandits or go on raids.

At least you wouldn't be walking around with 700,000 denars and nothing to buy. And you'd have that personal goal to keep one's interest in the game.
I did a lot of merchant caravan escorts, with my character from the trial. I want to purchase the full version to continue though, because I just slaughtered a troop of Khergit riders, and got a lot of valuable items. :smile: Maybe I'll put a point into trade, so I can get some better prices.
All of the above.

To start, I like to wager on myself in tournaments until I have about 1000, then find a club and go knock out a few small groups of river bandits and sell them into slavery.

After this, I begin trading, starting with cheaper items like salt and working upwards to the more expensive items.

If you have in mind which side you prefer to join, or have joined already, raiding caravans of the opposition helps (or even if you remain neutral, you can still raid them).

Personally, I've found the best way to get gold is to do the merchant quests. Take x amount of item x to place x, or just safeguard a caravan or kill some bandits to rescue a daughter. Not only will you make some money, but you also get some nice xp.

In the higher level stages, you will be able to kill large bands of powerful enemies and get so much money you won't even need to worry about it anymore.
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