How do you level up your companions?

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Happy New Year everyone! About a year ago, the level of your companions could be easily raised with the help of blacksmithing. However, now this opportunity is not in the game, so I wondered who and how raises the levels of their companions? Ver.1.7.0
Horse + bow/crosbow.
^This. Light Xbow on a horse, no skill needed, let them shoot at enemies, procs big exp from the ranged and riding triggers, then invest the new FP in a GOOD skill you want on them and so on. IF they have bow skill and you can equip a non-crap bow then bow is good of course but if you can't give them a decent bow just stick to light xbow.

If they have steward FP or you've spent it on them then lettings them have a turn as your quarter master when you've bought good food variety will give that a fast bump up, which is a good skill for everyone to have some, since they will likely lead a party or become vassal (who leads a party) eventually.
I pick them for hideout raids,just set them to charge and sit back until the boss fight and even then i sometimes put that i dont duel bandits so they can get more hits in
If you do not mind using mods, Leveling Rebalance increases the combat xp for companions by 10x when using melee weapons and 5x when using ranged weapons.
Downside is the mod requires starting a new game.
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