How do you get your soldiers to ride on horses?

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You can determine the composition of your party by training mounted troops(.....Swadian Knights for example), and non-mounted units (such as infantry and missile troops).

On the party screen you can hightlight a particular class of troops and use MOve UP/MOve Down buttons to change their tier within your party. Troops on a higher tier will get priority of appearing in the battlefield with you.
On occasion, when there are riderless horses on the battlefield, either because allied riders have fallen or enemy horsemen killed, you can order your troops to mount up. (Command key 4 or 5)

Now, they aren't always able to follow the mount up command. Sometimes they just run at the horse and against it like they're on a treadmill. I've never investigated why they don't jump on, it may be that particular trooper has no riding skill but is still trying to obey the order.

I don't recall 100% but they won't keep the horse after battle or I think after the next battlescreen where you keep the option to fight or flight. And as you know, any enemy horse you're riding on, won't necessarily appear on the potential loot inventory either.
No! I thought the order to mount horses was bugged, and would cause a crash!
If not, the default key to mount horses is 4. :wink:
you walk up to onje fo your men, shoot his ass in the head, and tell them to mount up, they will take the hint, works everytime


P.s. im kidding :smile:
I've had that treadmill thing a few times. Pretty much makes the treadmilled troop useless for the rest of the battle.
Ordering mount up never crashed my game, I've used dismount and mount up for those times when I'm in a river with steep cliffs because a mounted knight in a river against footmen gets surrounded and turned into sausage meat.
I always get 'assertion failed' on mount up, keeps coming until i manage to press '5' quickly between 'i'gnored warnings, and it exits the game if i press 'a' which is a problem as its a movement key.
I've had problems with "mount" after a dismount. The game crashed, just disappeared.

re: mounted, some hired blades are mounted and some are on foot. Today by mistake I killed my last mounted hired blade. :sad: Arrow through the head.
Hey it happened to me, I was playing this game and I forgot which buttons to press to change weapons, so I just started hitting the 1234 buttons but that didn't work so I hit the F buttons and I heard that familiar bonk sound and I was crashed to desktop. Woe is me. What I mean is that I accidentally ordered a dismount and then I ordered mount up and it crashed.
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