how do you get marnid/what do you give her

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You know, in the time it took you to double post in the "Marnid & Borcha - What good are they?" thread, double post in the "tell us about your character" sticky, and make a topic about it, you could have done at least 1 search or even played until you saw Marnid in the game and have him say to you, "I would join you if you gave me padded cloth."

Oh and yes, he is a man, just not a very manly man.

Oh, and to save you from making another 8 posts or so, Borcha is in Rivacheg and will cost you 500 denars to "rescue" from the count.
Yeesh, he's in the starting town tavern and tells you what he wants. But maybe Robosoldier never tried an rpg style game before so I will add that if you have trouble getting padded cloth either because you can't afford it or its not in the store, you can get Borcha as a henchman, enter "Borcha" into the search feature of this forum. Otherwise everyone will get medieval on your ass if you post a new topic called "Where's Borcha?" Just some friendly advice. Good gaming. And no gambling is not gaming damnit.
As predicted in the book Visions of JonathanStrange ,

And strangers shall enter the forum and inquire of passersby:
"Calradians! Our search has led us here. Where's Borcha? How do we hire Marnid? Who's Armagan?"

Much of the text remains untranslated, although Count Corzone is believed to have a scholar in his employ working on a complete translation.

- see Brean and Halmar (1245)

Reading this post title I saw "how do you get married? / and what do you give her?". Off topic forum? What about a ring?
Siege and hunt threads will follow soon I suppose. :smile: Isn't there a way to make the search button more attractive? Or maybe when you log in the first time, you get a big
logo on your screen, which slowly becomes smaller, so everyone knows where the search button is? Hmm?
Sir Saladin said:
Maybe if they gave away a free T-shirt for your first successful search. It would need to be advertised of course.

That's one possibility, but they could simply replace the word Search by Meet a girly ^_^. I'm sure it'll have much more succes!

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