How do you Command combined forces

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Not at the moment. This idea has been suggested in the suggestion forums, though. I surely would love to see it implemented...where you can order your mounted troops to do one thing and your unmounted to do another.
So far I just order everyone to hold position until the first enemies come into missile range. When they get close enough to threaten my missile troops I order a charge and the cavalry gets there first and starts disrupting the first wave of enemies (usually cav). At this point the infantry are just running in the general direction of the enemy and usually run up against the second wave of enemies which is usually their infantry and missile troops. It seems to work pretty well, though I definitely like the suggestions of breaking things down to these three troop types (maybe one for mounted missile as well) for individual commands given to each group.
it would also be cool if the AI could do things besides the default "charge" which inevitbly divides their forces in 2. The player gets an advantage by being able to hold position, would make it more challengeing if the AI would too, especially if it knows it has an advantage in missile troops.
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