how do u guys feel about warband dying and bannerlord being a tragic mess

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I've been burned out on Warband for some time now but when I try to play Bannerlord multiplayer I always feel I could be playing Warband instead and have a better time lol. Can't say anything about the singleplayer though. As weird as it is I have like 2100 hours in Warband multiplayer but never touched the singleplayer - will probably finally try it soon but I don't plan on playing Bannerlord's SP before that.

Edit: And yes, obviously it's still in Early Access but idk... I'm kind of sceptical of the final product as well rn. My current prediction is that it will take at least one year, maybe two, for it to really start replacing Warband but who knows for sure.
How do I feel about gas-based lifeforms from Alpha Centauri kidnapping my neighbours in an ice cream van? Idk, really. It would have to be in the same reality I happen to occupy for me to draw any conclusion.

Warband is at its core a single player game with multiplayer fastened to it as a bonus package. It is decent, don't get me wrong, even more so with NW.
My assumption is that most people are playing WB SP with some conversion mod, and the release of BL in EA changed jack for them.

Check out the charts. WB hasn't lost players at all. It peaked in April thanks to discounts (or the free weekend, can't recall), then dived back to original numbers, but that's about it, really. Warband dying? No check here, sorry

As for "tragic mess" that BL apparently is, it's subjective. It is rough around the edges, missing core features, struggling with balance, peppered with bugs - and simultaneously not broken as an MnB experience. That is, again, subjective, but that's my view on the matter.

So how's the alien kidnapping index these days?
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Drugs. Only explanation
Alrighty then.

Maybe we have different assumptions about what the core gameplay loop is in MnB in general.
My impression is that, at its core, MnB was always a medieval combat game. That's the most prominent thing you're gonna be doing regardless of whether you are roleplaying a civilian character (trader, etc) or a military one.

Trading was always there, however, it was getting you money you couldn't put towards anything. You could buy velvet workshops (what were they called in WB? Don't seem to recall correctly), and if you specifically avoided combat, the only thing you could do with their earnings is to buy more velvet workshops. You could trade salt, allowing you to trade even more salt. Walk around the same route over and over, and if you have 30 mediocre dudes to spook bandits off and no faction allegiance, challenge was non-existent.

And the only money sink was always combat - getting soldiers, paying soldiers, feeding soldiers, buying equipment for yourself and your companions, and then fighting with all that in mind.

Has the core principle of "earn money in some way to grow a stronger party" gone anywhere? Not really. Has combat itself done the same? Not quite.

Trading is definitely not at its final form yet, and in combat, formations are pretty questionable, but the core idea is undeniably the same and currently present.
The problem with Bannerlord:
-No battle mode
-No choosing your own equipment
Wont they ever accept they were wrong? They're still being denialist about this saying noo MP is now better while everyone is just throwing mountains of hate over it. Really dumb decision tbh. And I understand where this class system 6vs6 comes from, I understand the competitive scene of Warband had to go through *some* trouble choosing equipment but even Warband seems better because ARCHERS DONT HAVE A SHIELD PERK, and Battle mode allows you to choose how many players will play so what is even the point of all of this if they're not even making it right ffs. And dont even get me started on the balancing issues. I would like to know who even took the decision to completely get rid of the old system and designed this without any account of what the players wanted to play, you know, the ****ing target you're going to sell the game to. I seriously dont see a Fortnite 12yo dopamine addict playing Bannerlord in any way
I think it was known that Bannerlord would have focused more on singleplayer as most players play that. Sure not a justification for the current situation, but complaining now for an early access game is to early.
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