How do I....

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[D]ark [K]night

Sergeant at Arms
First of all, Great mod.
secondly... how do I add troops to my castle?
I've made a castle in the Camp menu... you know... I've placed entry point, but how do I assign troops to stand there?
If you have troops, click station a garrison here, if not, go to "edit settlement" and click "Add troops peasants and prisoners, oh my"
Or are you making your own settlement and want to know which entry points are for the guards? In that case go to settlement Scene Making Guide.
What i mean is: the camp button on the world map, when i go there i press the walk around your camp or  something, there i build a castle with  edit mode, what do i have to do to put peasants to the entry points?
And also, how do i edit the camp menu terrain? so i can put the generated codes there?
What you're trying to do is really complicated. Maybe you should wait for a later version where i heard you could place a camp which could then be upgraded into a castle and such. No one tried to edit the scene where you walk around your camp and succeeded.
um... i did, nothing but placing parts, so it looks like a castle. ;)

um, but when i made a castle in the Empt- cities they just disappear when the city is upgraded
So, don't try editing your camp when clicking "camp", you can edit camps on the map.

If you edit a camp while it says it's a camp, place camp buildings. If you do it while it says it's a castle, then place castle buildings and so on.
For an in-depth tutorial go to the Settlement Scene Making Guide by wickedshot.
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