Leave him alone. Dont insult him because he takes things more seriously than you. And truthfully, what worbah said didnt make any sense, let alone solve any problem. In fact, he had diverted the topic a little. So please guys, dont pick on people who just want to make this place more helpful. Just remind them to ease up.
If you can't deal with cussing or sexual humor, then get off the internet becauses thats all the internet has to offer.
Is that the only good internet has? Stop surfing porn and search something worthwhile.
you sound like an asshat. i believe your version of community may be similar to hitler's, or george bushy. I myself, a consenting adult, find free speech to be refreshing.
To say something like that i dont think you even deserve being called a kid. You do not understand the responsibility behind this power, and do not understand the damage it can cause to society. Freedom of speech does not include writing rubbish or lies, and demeaning people with insults. Imagine if newspapers had YOUR freedom of speech. Furthermore, the control of free speech does not constitude a cruel, authorative or draconian society. It is a mark of civility to hold our wagging tongues and say something nice and constructive. Freedom of speech should not be used as a reason to say thoughtless things.
And btw, dont go running off with a bad mindset of 'evil' people like Hitler. They had cruel means, but have their idea of a perfect world. Just so happens their idea differs from the majority. And before you label me as a Nazi, i do not idolise or admire anything related to him, just that i take a clearer view of people.
ps, gimli shouldnt have said some things, but i guess it was a spur of the moment, so cool down everyone.