How do I update a mod to work with latest patch?

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As the subject states, I have an old mod that works with an older version .903 i think but it wont work with the lastest and I would like to know how to update it . Any info would be nice.
Your mod, or somebody else's?

If it's yours, (which I'm guessing it isn't) go through your codes and copy and paste stuff into the new module system one little section at a time.

It's usually best to go:
Items > troops > constants > triggers > game menus > scripts > other

If it's not yours, then do the same thing as mentioned above, look for codes that they added and then compile it once you think you've got everything and clear up what you missed. Of course, you won't be able to do any of that unless the mod's source is released.
Your right its not my mod, and all I really want to do is have it work since i liked it so much. Need less to say the mod just allows you to create your own village, build some houses, resource fields and more. Its just something I would like for personal use.
I just saw that and I'm going to check it out, if I like it then great it will save the the trouble of going through alot of stuff. And no I don't have the source just the original mod, Its the Peasants Mod.
Kavic said:
I just saw that and I'm going to check it out, if I like it then great it will save the the trouble of going through alot of stuff. And no I don't have the source just the original mod, Its the Peasants Mod.
Then I'm afraid that it'll be near impossible.
You know you can download more than one version of mount and blade on your computer right? I forget the details but from the sounds of it in the threads I've read its not too complicated.  I think you just need to change the download location so it is different than the original download location.
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