HOW DO I TAKE screenshots?

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dont kno where to put it so...
how do i take screenshots? and where do they save??

edit: better topic for the sake of future users of the search engine
when u want a screen shot press print sreen next to scroll lock. then put it into paint and save as a jpeg i think
Also try fraps.

I would put a link but I don't how,anyone?

Sreach before you post, there must be at least 3 threads asking the samething.
Samieldracul said:
Don't bother w/ Fraps. It uses horrible compression, and then you have to go through the added pain of re-compressing your game vids. Use Gamecam instead. You can get it here:

It's faster, and it's much much better. Even has a nice in game menu to control it.

Yes game cam is good, but as for Fraps and compression. It doesn't compress at all. It's raw data, that's why the files are so huge.
That said, i think powerg8 mentioned Fraps as a means to take screenshots, not capture video. Fraps works perfect for taking screenshots, just assign any key and point to a folder where you want to screenshots to end up. They are even named by the name of the game.

The adress is as easy as it gets:
weird, i thought i asked on how taking screenshots and not videos...
i must really be getting old :???:
Found this freeware program and thought I've give this existing thread a bump, since its a popular question. And DE hates me...  :smile:
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