How do i make new faction?

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Aleksi U

:arrow:  :arrow:  How do i make new a faction and add it into a module/game?  :arrow:  :arrow:

Yeah, noob guestion for some of you, but I'd really appreciate if someone would tell me....Simplest way thanks!  :grin:
I doubt the simplest way will get you want you want...

Do you have the module system?  I can't help with tweaks, since I don't use them.  Look at my sig for getting started with modding in general.

Copy a faction tuple from the file, and give it a different ID.  New faction made.
Go to Ruthven's guide, find the ones that say "how to make a new faction", there's two of those, click the one eleabor/mirathei. It's easy if you follow correctly. To find Ruthven's guide check around the other threads and look for a post of jik, then look at his signature, the link is there.

looks like jik already pointed you in the right direction...
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