how do i increase populance!

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Just talk to one of the little groups of villagers around the world map and tell them to go to your city.
Aetheus said:
Just talk to one of the little groups of villagers around the world map and tell them to go to your city.
I tried it but my populance doesnt increase?

not population or number of man

but the popularity or relation to the village!
That's called popularity. Populace=Population.
To increase it, patrol your settlement, kill bandits when they appear, and if you have a tavern, buy drinks for everyone.
Do NOT collect extra taxes from them EVER.
No, he meant the relation to his settlement (Popularity, which he mistook for "populance")
I already explained how he could raise it.
Rize said:
That's called popularity. Populace=Population.
To increase it, patrol your settlement, kill bandits when they appear, and if you have a tavern, buy drinks for everyone.
Do NOT collect extra taxes from them EVER.

thanks for the 2 time1
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