How do I give the 17th fief to the 17th lord?

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First I'd like to thank you for the hard work in creating the Native Mod. I have spent many enjoyable hours trotting back and forth across Calradia. I have two questions for you.
1. I only use blunt weapons and I have armed my NPCs the same to maximize the number of potential recruits I can get from prisoners. Is there a tweak that will allow me to include the wounded in the battle morale systelm? It's a waste to kill anyone, even a bandit if they are of worth to the ransom brokers.
2. I am not able to distribute fiefs to my most recently acquired lords. Only the first 16 lords that signed on with my character show up in the 'manage kingdom' award fiefs screen. Same goes for the fiefs themselves. How do I change the number of lords/fiefs shown so that I can give these guys a fief and shut them up?
Thanks in advance for your help. I want to finish taking over the world, but my lords are whining.
Why at number 1? That makes no sense. Why would any enemy ever fear you if they know you go out of your way to not kill them? Sounds like more enemies would be willing to fight you if anything.
ejnomad07 said:
Why would any enemy ever fear you if they know you go out of your way to not kill them? Sounds like more enemies would be willing to fight you if anything.

Maybe he rapes the captives.  :shock:
Honestly, the whole "Blunt Doesn't Count" is a load of BS.

I'm in a big battle, and smash in a guys head with a warhammer. Is the enemy going to care that I knocked him out and he'll live, or care that I am headed their way now with my big warhammer?
If you smashed him into head with warhammer he wouldn't have chance to think if he fears you or not, because he won't even be alive. I think this blunt system in M&B is pretty bad, because you can be killed by a blunt hammer easily. I would prefer, if wounded soldiers would be produced this way: there would be some script, which would run when a soldier reaches 10-20% of his health (could vary, bersekers could have this limit at 2-5% while recruits 20-35%) it would generate a number between 0-100 and compare it to some constant. If the number would exceed then the soldier would continue on fighting and the roll would be repeated next time he would be hurt, but the constant would increase. If the generated number wouldn't exceed the constant then the soldier would fall unconcious and would be counted as wounded. But I don't think there is some neat way to code this...
I think you smashing a enemy had, even with a blunt weapon let the enemies very afraid of you... About your idea San Diego, it looks nice, the player constantly fall when reaches low HP the soldiers should do the same.
I'd rather be killed swiftly by a blade, then lieing on the battlefield in pain and agony for a week or so, and eventually die of dehydration.
Thorgal said:
I'd rather be killed swiftly by a blade, then lieing on the battlefield in pain and agony for a week or so, and eventually die of dehydration.

Actually, chances are you wouldn't die swiftly to the blade. It's more likely that you'd lie on the battle in pain and agony for a while, and eventually die of infection or dehydration. Unless some kind soldier stumbled across you and impaled your screaming body on his spear a few times.
The Mercenary said:
Thorgal said:
I'd rather be killed swiftly by a blade, then lieing on the battlefield in pain and agony for a week or so, and eventually die of dehydration.

Actually, chances are you wouldn't die swiftly to the blade. It's more likely that you'd lie on the battle in pain and agony for a while, and eventually die of infection or dehydration. Unless some kind soldier stumbled across you and impaled your screaming body on his spear a few times.

Really? But all the movies have taught me that a stab wound is either instantly fatal or allow the stabbed individual to relay some important/emotional message just before dying.

Unless they are a main character in which case even if the blade has passed clean through left to right puncturing lungs and the heart, its just a flesh wound and they can walk it off.

Please tell me it isn't so!

I apologize for the use of sarcasm tags, but my experience with this forum,  and come to think of it with the internet as a whole, has shown that they are an unfortunate necessity.
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