How do I git gud in melee?

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I was always an auto-blocker in Warband. I don't need to complain about it not being here since plenty of others have. Happy to try and pick it up as a skill for the time being.

I just want to figure out.. how?? So far I stomped & spammed by 1handers who can attack faster than my 2 hander, run forward & overwhelm me swinging in every and any possible direction. Will I just pick this up with time? I didn't play the beta at all so it's totally a new mechanic to me. Does it just get easier with some practice? I'm committed to making my 2 handed warrior work without being reduced to chump change by looters & arena fighters in every exchange.
You'll learn directional blocking only with exposure to it and practice. You will become sufficient at it in no time I believe in you champ.
for two handed weapons my best suggestion is to use the range to your advantage, most of them have a slightly longer reach. of course, you'll need to block eventually but you'll get used to it. I use movement keys for attack and mouse for block because i felt having both on mouse was confusing me.

getting overwhelmed happens too, I think the best solution there is to not let it happen in the first place, your troops are there to help :smile:
Practice helps a lot. I suggest just playing arena in multiplayer and focus on blocking player's attack. I use to be really bad at blocking without a shield, but became decent after my time in beta.
Appreciate the support! I definitely found it easier after some time with it. It also helped to make it so my blocks & attacks were binded differently. Attacking based off my movement keys & blocking based off my mouse movement helped make it more manageable.
I forced myself to learn years ago in warband, and the plus side is that it won't ever leave you, and also you'll always be working on it too.

The best way is going to be where you can continuously try and reset. In warband I used the training mode, just go to the guys that spar with you and block only. Back in the day i used an empty MP server and voted in bots, but we can't do that yet in bannerlord. Best bet might be the training field where the advanced melee tutorial is. Just block the guy as long as you can.

I'm not going to lie, it took me a few hours to feel comfortable, and longer to do it in game, and even then, I drop blocks all the time. The best thing you could do is do a binge session the first day trying as long as you can make it. If you don't get it, don't worry, sleeping on new muscle memory helps a lot.

Then spend about 5 to 10 min before every play session blocking. Over time I found the warmups really fun honestly.

As you get it practice blocking from face hugging range next, it looks different, and to get better for mulitplayer you need to block, not attack, in multiplayer, people have a different rhythm than the bots, it's faster, and they will adjust to you blocking. To keep them honest throw out a single attack every now and then, otherwise they go into 'this guy's not attacking at all' mode, which is erratic and not too helpful for real situations.

Good luck, it's a fun journey and the gateway into a lot of other things! (At least it was in warband!)
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