how do i get zombie panic for free

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hey some one said i can get zombie panic for free  i just need a source engine that runs the game. can some one tell me how to get it for free.
Shatari said:
When he said "Source Engine", he was talking about the game engine called "Source".
Yeah, you need Half Life 2 to play Zombie Panic: Source.
I would suggest Zombie Master, it is a lot more fun than Zombie Panic.
jasonxfri13th said:
I would suggest Zombie Master

Whoah whoah whoah!!! Let me stop you right there!

Zombie Master sucks, because the little kids on there are...well...juvenile! They can't play on teams!!!
And the Tetris map? WTF!!!

Zombie Panic is more realistic (if you want to call it that)

And you don't need the full games, I got HL2 Episodes 1 and 2 for 9.99 and I can play zombie panic (However, some mods DO require the main game. Don't know why, don't ask)
AgentSword said:
jasonxfri13th said:
I would suggest Zombie Master

Whoah whoah whoah!!! Let me stop you right there!

Zombie Master sucks, because the little kids on there are...well...juvenile! They can't play on teams!!!
And the Tetris map? WTF!!!

Zombie Panic is more realistic (if you want to call it that)

And you don't need the full games, I got HL2 Episodes 1 and 2 for 9.99 and I can play zombie panic (However, some mods DO require the main game. Don't know why, don't ask)
I like zm better,tough i play zp too...
AgentSword said:
jasonxfri13th said:
I would suggest Zombie Master

Whoah whoah whoah!!! Let me stop you right there!

Zombie Master sucks, because the little kids on there are...well...juvenile! They can't play on teams!!!
And the Tetris map? WTF!!!

Zombie Panic is more realistic (if you want to call it that)

And you don't need the full games, I got HL2 Episodes 1 and 2 for 9.99 and I can play zombie panic (However, some mods DO require the main game. Don't know why, don't ask)
Actually, there are VERY FEW little kids, and they get banned very fast anyways.
There are a lot of weird maps (actually, about 90% of the played maps are weird on some servers)
And what do you mean by they can't play on teams? There is really only one team, and it is more everyone for himself.

At least for me, I played ZM more than ZP and enjoyed it more. ZP is very realistic, but I just get too bored and I like killing LOTS of zombies, and I like RTS games.

But you should get Empires, best HL2 mod EVER.

Temuzu said:
AgentSword said:
jasonxfri13th said:
I would suggest Zombie Master

Whoah whoah whoah!!! Let me stop you right there!

Zombie Master sucks, because the little kids on there are...well...juvenile! They can't play on teams!!!
And the Tetris map? WTF!!!

Zombie Panic is more realistic (if you want to call it that)

And you don't need the full games, I got HL2 Episodes 1 and 2 for 9.99 and I can play zombie panic (However, some mods DO require the main game. Don't know why, don't ask)
I like zm better,tough i play zp too...
Same here, I played a LOT of ZP, only game I played for about 1 month, after playing ZM for a long time, then I went back to ZM, and then I found Empires.
And the tetris map is awesome!!!
Temuzu said:
I tought Empires is dead...huh :roll:
Ill give it a try :lol:
Empires has been doing okay for the past ~2 years or so.
There is ALWAYS one packed server with around 20-40 players and usually 1 or 2 with around 10, and on a good day there are 2 packed servers.

Right now there is a server with 43/63, 14/41, 8/64, 7/32, 3/32, 1/20.
I don't know if you can get it for free.  But you can get HL2: Episode 1 for $10, HL2 for $20, and The Orange Box (HL2, EP:1&2, Team Fortress 2, & Portal) for $30 on steam.  CS: Source and Day of Defeat may work as well.

As for zombie master; I tried playing it and it was just weird.  Weird maps that weren't that fun.  But you may find otherwise.  Zombie Panic was much more exciting.  Especially when, as a zombie, you sneak inside a human holdout and then close the door so they can't get in and are stuck in the open.  :grin:

And the zombie master folks don't know how a revolver works.  In game, you click the mouse to fire, and then it takes a half second (or so) for the hammer to move back and the chamber to rotate before the gun fires.  Revolvers don't work that way!  :mad:

Actually, the revolver shoots VERY fast. You have to hold the right mouse button. I thought it was super slow at first, but with the right mouse button you fire all six shots in a few seconds.
may i just say you could just buy COUNTER STRIKE SOURCE which is way  cheaper than HL2 i think then you are free to play ZP:S but look it up before you do.
crazyman33 said:
hey some one said i can get zombie panic for free  i just need a source engine that runs the game. can some one tell me how to get it for free.
the cheapest way is to buy hl2: deathmatch which is only $5
First of all, ZM is much better then ZP because on ZP, your basically playing a repeat of last round. In ZM, its always different.

Second, the way to get ZP for free is to get steam, buy HL1(the best ZP is ZP1) or HL2(The crappy ass source remake)
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