How do I command lords?

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I don't seem to have any options to command lords to do anything: follow, patrol, move, etc. They just seem to sit in their castles and do nothing. What am I missing?
I assume you are referring to your own vassals, or the lords of a faction for which you are the marshall?

If so, you need a good relationship with them (I would shoot for 30+), which is a prerequisite in the former case anyway.  And not sure how you ended up as a marshall without some lords liking you in the latter...

If that doesn't answer your concern, we're going to need a more detailed description of the issue.
I'm talking about two of my own vassals. I have 30+ relationship with one of them, the other is less than that. Didn't take much to get them to join me, only +5 or +10. I just can't command them to do anything. There are no options that I can find like in native where you have them follow. So just curious if this is bugged for me or I am missing something here.
Well, I suppose it is safe to say no one else knows what is going on here either. Thanks for reading it at least.
Raffer said:
Well, I suppose it is safe to say no one else knows what is going on here either. Thanks for reading it at least.

Can you post a screenshot showing the initial dialogue screen when you talk to them?
What he said.  I've been trying to finally get a vassal so I could try to reproduce your issue, with no luck.  Well, finally some luck on the vassal, but not on the reproduction.
Nope, I can't reproduce a screenshot. I deleted previous game and just started over. Somehow I did something the game didn't like and corrupted it. When I posted this I figured I messed it up but hoped there was something I was missing that could explain the problem I was having. After 100+ views and no solution I just figured it was better to start again. The text options for my vassals were fairly standard that I would see with other lords. Ask a question, can I help you with something, etc. The only different one was I could give them troops for their army.

The game was behaving oddly in other ways also, it just didn't seem to completely acknowledge that I had a kingdom. I had a couple vassals and several castles, but odd things still happened. For example other lords would still offer me vassalage to them, is that normal for someone that has a kingdom? Also my own vassals when I asked if I could do anything for them gave me the hire a mercenary for their lord, which was me of course. So I was Raffer, who was talking to one of my vassals who wanted to hire me to be a mercenary for Raffer. I accepted once just to see what would happen and the code didn't seem to like that much. A bunch of weird strings of text scrolled through the screen.

The only thing I can think of that happened was I inadvertently let my kingdom get destroyed, but didn't really know that I had a kingdom early on. Before I had any towns or castles I played with the lords prisoner text options and instead of taking the money he accepted to serve me. I didn't even notice much different in the game but later had a notice that the kingdom of pendor had been destroyed. Didn't really make sense to me at the time since I didn't have a kingdom as far as I knew. However that lord that became my vassal must've had a castle that then came to my side, when I lost the castle I lost my kingdom. The game didn't really like that and the kingdom never recovered. At least that is my theory, but I don't really know what happened, just that it broke somehow.

Edit: Oh btw, really great mod.
Raffer said:
Nope, I can't reproduce a screenshot. I deleted previous game and just started over. Somehow I did something the game didn't like and corrupted it. When I posted this I figured I messed it up but hoped there was something I was missing that could explain the problem I was having. After 100+ views and no solution I just figured it was better to start again. The text options for my vassals were fairly standard that I would see with other lords. Ask a question, can I help you with something, etc. The only different one was I could give them troops for their army.

The game was behaving oddly in other ways also, it just didn't seem to completely acknowledge that I had a kingdom. I had a couple vassals and several castles, but odd things still happened. For example other lords would still offer me vassalage to them, is that normal for someone that has a kingdom? Also my own vassals when I asked if I could do anything for them gave me the hire a mercenary for their lord, which was me of course. So I was Raffer, who was talking to one of my vassals who wanted to hire me to be a mercenary for Raffer. I accepted once just to see what would happen and the code didn't seem to like that much. A bunch of weird strings of text scrolled through the screen.

The only thing I can think of that happened was I inadvertently let my kingdom get destroyed, but didn't really know that I had a kingdom early on. Before I had any towns or castles I played with the lords prisoner text options and instead of taking the money he accepted to serve me. I didn't even notice much different in the game but later had a notice that the kingdom of pendor had been destroyed. Didn't really make sense to me at the time since I didn't have a kingdom as far as I knew. However that lord that became my vassal must've had a castle that then came to my side, when I lost the castle I lost my kingdom. The game didn't really like that and the kingdom never recovered. At least that is my theory, but I don't really know what happened, just that it broke somehow.

Edit: Oh btw, really great mod.
Thanks for posting this, I think I see now what happened and am going to crosspost this over to the dev board so Saxondragon sees it.  The key is this bit "Before I had any towns or castles I played with the lords prisoner text options and instead of taking the money he accepted to serve me."  I'm betting that SD never planned on people accepting vassals before they owned a kingdom, so some things about your kingdom are triggered by the seneschal and some are triggered by the presence of vassals and it turned into a big furry mess.  All of which could notionally be prevented by checking for an is_king condition flag before showing you that dialog option to accept them as a vassal.
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