Nope, I can't reproduce a screenshot. I deleted previous game and just started over. Somehow I did something the game didn't like and corrupted it. When I posted this I figured I messed it up but hoped there was something I was missing that could explain the problem I was having. After 100+ views and no solution I just figured it was better to start again. The text options for my vassals were fairly standard that I would see with other lords. Ask a question, can I help you with something, etc. The only different one was I could give them troops for their army.
The game was behaving oddly in other ways also, it just didn't seem to completely acknowledge that I had a kingdom. I had a couple vassals and several castles, but odd things still happened. For example other lords would still offer me vassalage to them, is that normal for someone that has a kingdom? Also my own vassals when I asked if I could do anything for them gave me the hire a mercenary for their lord, which was me of course. So I was Raffer, who was talking to one of my vassals who wanted to hire me to be a mercenary for Raffer. I accepted once just to see what would happen and the code didn't seem to like that much. A bunch of weird strings of text scrolled through the screen.
The only thing I can think of that happened was I inadvertently let my kingdom get destroyed, but didn't really know that I had a kingdom early on. Before I had any towns or castles I played with the lords prisoner text options and instead of taking the money he accepted to serve me. I didn't even notice much different in the game but later had a notice that the kingdom of pendor had been destroyed. Didn't really make sense to me at the time since I didn't have a kingdom as far as I knew. However that lord that became my vassal must've had a castle that then came to my side, when I lost the castle I lost my kingdom. The game didn't really like that and the kingdom never recovered. At least that is my theory, but I don't really know what happened, just that it broke somehow.
Edit: Oh btw, really great mod.