how do i add a new faction by editing textfiles?

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
Hi all!

1) Is it possible to add a new faction by just editing the text files? 

2) Does the new faction have to be added at the end or can I insert it above the 'end of kingdom factions' line?

3) How do I assign lords and troops to the new faction?

What I want to do is create a sixth kingdom, using Native as my base.

1. Well I guess it's possible
2. Hmm. Donno
3. Use the troop editor

Usefull info aye?  :lol:
dariel said:
Hi all!

1) Is it possible to add a new faction by just editing the text files? 

2) Does the new faction have to be added at the end or can I insert it above the 'end of kingdom factions' line?

3) How do I assign lords and troops to the new faction?

What I want to do is create a sixth kingdom, using Native as my base.


1) Yes

2) It has to be added above, I think.

3) Using the Troops.txt file.

So basically, what I'd suggest is use the python, on a copy native, since the module system is a bit different that native. So copy native, then use the module system to create a new faction, add troops and all the stuff you need to do, then use a program such as beyond compare, to put all the new .txt lines you created with python to your original .txt files so you add them to native without using python and stuff... That should do it. If you need a tutorial how to create a new faction using python, check Ruthven's thread of mod making tutorials.
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