How can you make your own faction?

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if you are not already vassal or helping someone of claimant to reclaim throne, the moment you capture town or castle new kingdom is born, new options for you. then you can promote your companion to Lord, but be careful, Alayin and Rolf are ok becouse of noble ancestor others whom are commoners not. sorry about english.
So if I make an army and not join any kingdom or become a vassal and I take over a city I make a new faction?

Will I become king and have lords, etc?
I think your companions become lords, and yes you will become the king. But its really hard to start your own kingdom. I would recommend to level up to atleast 20-25 before you start your own kingdom.
yes, you will promote your companion to Lord, but don't do that with all companion becouse your party will be weak without them and you will not be able to grant them with lands and castles and they'll become unhappy and at end turn up against you. and assurely dont do that before I would say 22lvl or more. you wouldn't be able to defend your new lands, it's tough belive me.
i'd love to help you, but i actually dont play warband, maybe you could find more info in the warband forum
Would you guys recommend making my own kingdom (Faction)? If I do make my own faction I'm going to lose my relationship with the vaegirs from 100 (loyal) to -40...

Also, I have some members that I could make lords, but they're own around level 8. Therefore, they would probably get defeated in every battle. So... Should I wait till I level them up more?
Well, if you got relationship with vaegirs 100, than you should attack someone else. I dont know how wb works, but in my home mod, if I got relation with lords, war with their faction does not affect my relation with them and they still join my faction as my vassals.
iggorbb said:
Well, if you got relationship with vaegirs 100, than you should attack someone else. I dont know how wb works, but in my home mod, if I got relation with lords, war with their faction does not affect my relation with them and they still join my faction as my vassals.

Well,  I saved my game and tried making my own kingdom and that's what it did. It went from 100 to -40.
Maybe it was wiser choice to attack their enemies, so you can rise relationship with them even more.
I think I messed up. I don't remember exactly what happened, but I think I did something like this.

You know how when you don't get a castle he tells you sorry etc... and gives you like 900 denars. I said something like no
and I think I made him angry and that's why my relationship did that. Do you know any way how I can make my own faction but not ruin my rep?
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