How Can I Max out the stats of a character?

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What Text files would I have to edit to give me character unlimmited atribute points and such.... just to have some fun running as fast as a horse :grin:
Or you could directly modify the Menu folders using the official module system. Although try not to go above maximum, it can cause game crashes.
Flyingfurball said:
Actually El perido, I mean like unlimmited atribute points, regarless of level.

official module system? Where Can I get that?
Im not quite sure if the amount of attribute points can be modified using the tools, but you could just set the attributes to whatever number you want.
I believe some did that, in 0.632.

It seems he could run faster than horse, deals thousands points of damage and boasting 150 or more Hp.
(*scratches head*) ... If you have unlimited points .. you'd never max out your character

then you'd be right back here asking how to put a limit on your point values so that you could actually use your ill-gotten gains

Peronally I have NO problem twinking my cohorts .. but feel greasy if I ctrl-x myself .. no sense of accomplishment
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