How can i make my own Avatar image???

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i saw a lot of people who have their own Avatar image and the size must not be 64X64 ! i have tried give a link to the Avatar image of mine but it dosen't work. how can i do?
Place your avatar on your own site, open your Forum Profile and fill out the line:
Link to off-site Avatar:
Enter the URL of the location containing the Avatar image you wish to link to.
Um well, if you look at the avatars of most of the people here, you will see that they're much bigger than 64x64, so...

I think if you want to keep it reasonable, stick to about 100x100. If you wanna annoy people, look at my avatar.

Now, first host the picture somewhere, like Imageshack for example. Then pic the 'direct link to image' option and copy the link to your clipboard (Ctrl+C). Go to your profile 'ere and paste (Ctrl+V) the link there. Bang, you have a nice (or not so nice) avatar image in all your posts!

EDIT: And if this sounds too complicated, there are some ready M&B themed avatars availabe without the need of any linking 'n stuff.
But make it no wider than the default info section, so the thread doesn't have to be scrolled to read :cry:
And i think thats a good thing! Which should not be changed... :roll:

There could be of course a option to disable avatars completely for dial up users.
I think it's fine as-is, as long as people use common sense (≠me) and don't post huge pictures (≠me again). After all, 64x64 is soo damn small.
Lost-Lamb said:
Ilex said:
Lost-Lamb said:
And one more thing. the 64x64 is only a guidline but the 6kb is a rule, the board will reject all pics that are bigger than that.
A rule that isn't enforced. :lol:
It isn't? Damn I didn't get my avatar on before I crunched it to <6kb
How do you think I have multiple frame animations in less than 6kb :roll: Once had one about 7xx kb. :lol:
You should post your picture like me! I wish more people did that, gives you a better idea of who or what you're talking to.
Alright, I'm gonna kill every single mod now, and I'll kill you, yes you, twice!

EDIT: Now you all can see my beautiful face. You're still on The List, Lost-Lamb. I'll find you wherever you are...
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