How can i make an object glow?

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i want to make an object glow! and one more thing! how can i make a weapon work like this:
when its in my hand its a sword, when i throw it its like a power and then it dissapears once it hits? and for this weapon i would use a javelin (because it it goes in one direction and its a throwable weapon (by going in one direction i mean its not spinning :grin:)

so its actualy two things i need an answer to!

I suppose you could try putting ix_mesh_flying_ammo in the javelin entry, then tell it to show a sword instead of a javelin.
i meant when i hold it to be a sword when i throw it to be smething else and in the end instead to stick in the enemy it turns invisible.. is there any way to make three meshes on one throwing weapon?
I'm also interested in the glowing part, some glowing ghouls or scene props/weapons might be pretty cool in the fallout mod, hope its possible or someone has the answer!
Mahisa said:
try to press ALT+F4 while inside Item Editor an youmake it glow :wink:
If you have nothing to say, don't say it. ******.

For the throwing thing: Just change the flying mesh to what you want to be thrown.
Well, you'd have to edit the mission_templates itself, since you can't put a glow on the item itself and have it work (check itm_torch for reference).
You make a semitransparent "aura" shell around it to simulate the glow. Ask the Star Wars guys.
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