How Can i increase the maximum troop in Recruit window?

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I Register a new campaignbehaviorbase that change the length of size of volunteertypes

And after a while i get an error indexOutOfrange And in recruitment windows still showing 6.

int limit = 10;
            foreach (Hero hero in Hero.AllAliveHeroes)
                bool flag = hero.VolunteerTypes.Length != limit;
                var before = hero.VolunteerTypes.Length;
                if (flag)
                    CharacterObject[] array = new CharacterObject[limit];
                    for (int i = 0; i < hero.VolunteerTypes.Length; i++)
                        bool flag2 = i < limit;
                        if (flag2)
                            array[i] = hero.VolunteerTypes[i];
                    hero.VolunteerTypes = array;
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