How can I ADD new horses?

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Ciao, I changed war_horse's meshes and I'd like to use new meshes without replace the originals: I'd like to ADD new meshes and no Replace the original ones. How do I have to do?
I think that I should have to edit a .rfs it rigth? how can I change a .rfs file?
Ciao a Tutti


P.S. I created a templar_horse mesh. I think to publish it when it will finished but this while, who wants to use it could send me a e-mail to [email protected] and I will send the file (about 170 Kbytes).
Right now, it's rather involved to add new items (including horses) to the game. The method does involve editing several .rsf files, but I do not recommend trying this unless you already have considerable knowledge of hexadecimal and binary formats. If you'd like, I can add it to my mod (that currently adds 34 items) for the next release. Eventually I will be releasing tools to allow everyone to add new items.
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