first id like to know how does this mod work with an empty module.ini????????
all it has is "module_name = Calradia" in it. nothing else thats strange!
also i'd like to modify my own version of chaos war for personal use.
how can i do this without the ModSys as i kno u wouldnt release that
i also want to add my own custom melee weps with alternate combat modes like spear with blunt mode.
any help is appereciated! thx!
first id like to know how does this mod work with an empty module.ini????????
all it has is "module_name = Calradia" in it. nothing else thats strange!
also i'd like to modify my own version of chaos war for personal use.
how can i do this without the ModSys as i kno u wouldnt release that
i also want to add my own custom melee weps with alternate combat modes like spear with blunt mode.
any help is appereciated! thx!