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House Douglas klanı 01.02.2022 tarihinde RangerX, LuciDark, TurkishWarrior, ve Woon(Mangudaii) tarafından kurulmuş bir Native/PK klanıdır.

Yetkili Kadrosu
Queen of Douglas - RangerX
Queen's Hand of Douglas - LuciDark
Highlord of Douglas - Woon
Highlord of Douglas - TurkishWarrior
Lord of Douglas - Lusione
Captain of Douglas - DarkCode
Marshall of Douglas - Percival
Marshall of Douglas - LoveFor

Queen's Guard of Douglas - Farwe
Queen's Guard of Douglas - Adlhelm
Queen's Guard of Douglas - Ratnuk
Queen's Guard of Douglas - Thoe
Queen's Guard of Douglas - FranzJoseph
Highlord's Guard of Douglas - Borte
Highlord's Guard of Douglas - Bozkırlı
Highlord's Guard of Douglas - Deuslra
Highlord's Guard of Douglas - Togar
Highlord's Guard of Douglas - 19shotzm
Highlord's Guard of Douglas - Vuraxen
Highlord's Guard of Douglas - Zinesia
Infantry of Douglas - Baltazar
Infantry of Douglas - Thranduil
Infantry of Douglas - TightBallz
Infantry of Douglas - Gekisei
Infantry of Douglas - Feleis
Infantry of Douglas - Achilles
Infantry of Douglas - Kralyum
Infantry of Douglas - Shattai
Infantry of Douglas - Sokullu
Infantry of Douglas - Oxgiem

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