In a fight earlier, I killed a horseman with a superior horse to mine, and switched horses. At the end of the battle, though, I had my original horse back. Wouldn't it make more sense if I kept the horse I had mounted mid-battle? Just a thought.
It does. And if it actually allowed you that, I guess that's a bug that you didn't keep it... or that you could mount it
It depends on Armadan's view of balance. Well, since making a knight to part with his warhorse would be a no small feat, and most horses do not cost a great lot - it does not sound like a disbalancing feature to allow players to capture and switch horses during the battle.
I'd vote for allowing to fully loot enemies too... but that'll be overpower allright. .
I've been bested by Armanan himself! Well, at least it's good that we have similar views .
On the subject of loot, how come you can't take any and/or all the items carried into battle by the enemy? I find myself fighting bandits armed with falchions, and yet all I'm able to loot are a few woolly hats and a dagger
For same reasons you couldn't fully loot anyone in Ja2... Balance reasons.
With full loot, the system will have to be drastically changed... and besides, luckily defeating a few black knights can get you a set of black armor... and that would be a definite spoiler.
Well, in RL, there would be no such problem - 90% that plate armor made for someone else will simply not fit you.
However, I think that all armor and weapons you get as 'spoils of war' should be chipped, battered and bent... and make this prefixes affect it's stats and costs more drastically... And getting non-battered armor and non-chipped weapon would be as rare are getting it at all. Therefore, you can have full loot and still have balanced situation.
I guess that is worth implementing.
I guess I'll duplicate that in Suggestions forum section.
Agree. And if you have full loot, you should have also to buy all your troops euipement ... Those knights are gonna cost a lot !
The only problem is, do we want to micro-manage every inventory ?
I would hate to spend (big) money and time to put up some decent troops, just to have half of them wipped at the first encounter...
Current system, even if it's sometime frustating, is better IMO.
Maybe have more loots, but of low quality (chipped ...etc), and lower selling prices ... If you plan to live on the loot, take some points in trade.
It would also be very fun if we could pick up items from falled enemies - like arrows and weapons, at least (armor takes too long to take).
However, that require implementation of my 'full loot' idea, tho, with decrease in buying prices, and items get you usually be cracked, battered, bend and chipped. Realistic, too.
I have one questions about the horses, i know if i keep extra horses in my inventory it would increase my speed as a group on the map but i want to know does it also give horses to my men in battle ? For example: I have 7 knights and i put 7 horses on my inventory, will they be riding the horses when time for battle comes?
Don't make horses fade out. Perhaps make them move around the battlefield, or run away, or be killed where they stand (right now they've invincible once you dismount). If you can have a 'corpses stay permanently' option, why not a 'horses stay', too?
It'll make the game less frustrating for mounted types who get disenhorsinated by a few lucky hits.
Yeah, any equipment that unique characters use has to be given to them, including horses. Just put the horse in their inventory, and they'll use it automatically. I'm assuming that they'll use the most expensive horse they have.
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