Horses that level up as well.

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That's a great idea, and that would also help to relieve the fact that you can't die in he game, if your lifelong, level 50 horse dis, that'll make up for it. Yes please!
also a good idea would be to be ABLE to TRAIN your horse...
say you buy a little horse that is still young... speed 4, armour 1, charge 1, manouver 2...
you train it into.. say, a warhorse
something like max level 10, warhorse has manouver 6, speed 7, charge 20, and you can also equip horse with armour..
also, how about horseshoes need to be changed once in a while?
I don't think the horseshoes idea is all that great. It's just one of those little administrative tasks that tend to simply become annoying after a while. It would be like having to stop and tell your troops to eat a meal before they starve. I could see maybe requiring the player to keep a supply of horseshoes, but if that were done I think they should be applied automatically, the way your troops feed themselves as long as there's food in their trough.

But I like the idea of being able to train horses. Unlike troops, horses seem to stick around a lot longer, since they can't be killed. It might be a good idea to have horse skills increase in 0.1 point increments though, so there's room for them to grow steadily without turning into unstoppable super-beasts in short order.
Sure, I would like to be able to train a stubborn courser into a spirited courser, or a heavy courser, but no amount of training will ever make a waybacked packhorse (sumpter) into a charger. So maybe just a change of the modifier, or a +1 change in one of the aspects of the horse for each level, up to a limit.
I would like to see armour for the horses. You would add or remove the barding and be able to move faster without it, but have a better charge and armour class for the horse with it. That would also require the horses to have inventory slots, which has been mentioned in other threads, but I see it like this: A rider takes up 5 slots, anything else takes up one slot. From 5 to 7 slots would allow room for just a rider (Riding horse, sumpter horse), a rider and armour, or a rider and a weapon (spare weapon/ammunition/shield), up to a rider, armour, and a spare weapon.


sorry for running on at the brain, but tangents go where tangents go
I don't like the idea much. Horses are equipment, they get used up and die from time to time. If I got too attached to a horse I'd had like forever, it would majorly piss me off if I go thim killed, perhaps to the point of quitting the game.

Perhaps some small improvement bonus would be nice, like if you've had three or ten battles (or whatever) with the same horse you'd get accustomed to each other and you'd get a small bonus to speed and manueverability, which wouldn't improve from that point onward. Something like that would make you somewhat annoyed if you lost your horse, since it'd take a bit more time to get a new one trained up, but it wouldn't be a permanent loss, just a temporary setback.

See my point?
Ah, I can see how pissed I would be when my über 100 lvl horse died by dropping off a cliff or something.

Not a bad idea tho.
Nah. Having your charger crippled is a mindgoatse as it is, but after you've looked after it and shielded it from danger until it was the perfect mount... No, I don't like it.
i like it.... it would ad more personaltiy to the game. but if you get a sumpter, it should only be able to be trained to be a better pack horse.
it would add more ...stuff to the game
so not only have you to look after yourself, but the horse too...
and horses do die.. i mean, says horse is crippled and it falls dead, the next battle you can ride it again... adding some hitpoints and stats wouldnt hurt
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