
Horses are supposed to be loud, especially armored ones carrying warriors with even more armor on. Now obviously coding in how loud a horse should be based on it's armor AND it's riders weight is too tall of an order. But please, can we crank up the sound on horses? They are not the silent predators of the deep and even running a true 5.1 setup horses coming from behind are near silent. I was told they used to be decently loud but for some reason it was changed.
I can hear an arrow hit the ground LOUDER from behind then a fully armored horse, or a whiff off someones armor, or someone jumping.. the point is the list of long of what one can hear just fine in warband and horses are not on that list. Please can one of your coders work your magics and tweak the volume up?
I can hear an arrow hit the ground LOUDER from behind then a fully armored horse, or a whiff off someones armor, or someone jumping.. the point is the list of long of what one can hear just fine in warband and horses are not on that list. Please can one of your coders work your magics and tweak the volume up?