Horses kicking dust?

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I have a quick question.

I kept seeing the screenshot of the tournament arena and there the horse running and kicking up dust.

Now, I'm not getting any of the dusty goodness and I'm wondering if anyone knows how that's happening. I want dustyness too!

I think the dust in the Arena and in dusty terrain is a definetely good idea - but what about having chunks of the grass and the like hop up from the horses hooves when running on grass and such? Maybe make them particles or sprites and such.

Or even - (goes on rant) - have the hoove prints all over the grass, and destroyed terrain in the areas where the horses are fighting!

Yeah.. Yeah..

Maybe use the same effect as for the dust, but make the particles or whatever brown or green. Thus it becomes dirt or grass being kicked up, not dust.

Though so far (i've been playing this game with every spare moment since yesterday afternoon), I've found charging on horse back to be really damned exciting, so don't have to put everything else aside just to improve it. :smile:
Or for a fun quick detail fix, make a 'churned up ground' bit of texture to plop over former battle areas on the world map, that will disapear over a few days. Have a few levels of it. For little fights, make a "Hey, there's some brown sprites on the world map" and for big fights, have it up to, "Oh, someone has discovered mortar rounds" level of turf damage.
Thus it becomes dirt or grass being kicked up, not dust.

hehe...i try to imagine how it will look if 10 horses are running over a grass terrain, and kicking big green grass !clouds! into the air, like powder grass or somethiing :grin:

will look verry strange! :grin:
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