horses didapper

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Firstly, you're spamming.
Secondly, this only happens sometimes iirc when they take too much damage too be of use to you.
If you didn't kill the rider when you are fighting on foot , then they will dissapear . And they dissapear when you kill the rider from horseback .

To put what Dragos was saying in a more coherent form (no offense): if you kill the rider while you are on foot, the horse stays; if you kill the rider while you are on horseback, the horse is lost. Any horse that your men dismounted from stay, but I believe that any they die on, regardless of whether or not their enemy was mounted, disappears.
Rather strange mechanism indeed.
I can imagine the horses will run away from battlefield when the rider is dead, but disapear ? No kiddin ..kidnaped by aliens ? :smile:

Tell me what is difference in normal fight for every horse that rider is died from another rider or footman ? I think none. So i have suggestion to change it to other mechanism : like loot and propability of taking item.
For example :
If you're fighting agains large warband of riders there will be more horses in loot ( no matter how you killed the riders)
the horse vanishing is a fature that's implemented to preserve FPS and batlefield cluttering (horses are obstacles) as waves of mounted fightes let n icnreasign number of 'empy' horses behind their demise.

I suppose that having a realistic lone horse behavior (that is, runing away as fast as posible from all the mess) would pose both AI and processing power issues for low-end computers.
Dear, not another one of these! Oh well, they disapear so only X number of horse will remain on the battlefield so your framerate won't die, and easy looknig at the other page or two or maybe a search would have given you the answer.

Also this needs to be in the FAQ.
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