Grandmaster Knight
Right now the only use I can think for it is for horse archers who wish to stop the horse quickly in order to get a few accurate shots in, so what I suggest is that you could do blunt damage by rearing your horse. Correct me if I'm wrong, but warhorses were trained to kick enemies infront of them and to trample them down.
I also had another idea on the subject. As we all know, when you rear your horse, your lance is no longer couched. What if it was? Think about it for a second though. Let it roll around your brain. Think about the weight of a horse. Think about this weight concentrated to the tip of a lance that happens to hover a few inches of a river pirate. I'm not good in physics, but I bet that it would look nasty when the horse returns to it's normal position. I'll draw yet another crappy sketch-thingy with paint if I'm not clear enough.
I also had another idea on the subject. As we all know, when you rear your horse, your lance is no longer couched. What if it was? Think about it for a second though. Let it roll around your brain. Think about the weight of a horse. Think about this weight concentrated to the tip of a lance that happens to hover a few inches of a river pirate. I'm not good in physics, but I bet that it would look nasty when the horse returns to it's normal position. I'll draw yet another crappy sketch-thingy with paint if I'm not clear enough.