Horse Rearing (Making the horse stand on 2 legs)

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Back many years ago when I had played during the beta phase, I remember that I could bring my horse up onto it's hind legs somehow. I've done the research and the only key combo that allegedly used to do it was Ctrl+R. But this no longer works.

Was this feature taken out of the game? If so, I'll be heart broken. I would usually only use it after a battle was complete and all my troops were cheering and carrying on. Sort of like a rally gesture.

But if there is a new key combo to it, I would love to know it.

Thanks =D
Veldruk said:
Back many years ago when I had played during the beta phase, I remember that I could bring my horse up onto it's hind legs somehow. I've done the research and the only key combo that allegedly used to do it was Ctrl+R. But this no longer works.

Was this feature taken out of the game? If so, I'll be heart broken. I would usually only use it after a battle was complete and all my troops were cheering and carrying on. Sort of like a rally gesture.

But if there is a new key combo to it, I would love to know it.

Thanks =D

Ctrl + J
Ahhh splendid. That did it.

Although the animation seems a bit more rigid then I remember. If I was in a full gallop I remember the horse coming to a sliding halt on it's hind legs... or maybe thats just me remembering incorrectly.

... or perhaps I was thinking of Shadow of the Colossus all along... =\

I might have to go file diving to see if I can remap that tho. Ctrl J is a bit of a stretch even for my gargantuon hands.

Anyway! Thanks a ton, this will definitely add to my fun factor with this game =D
I agree that it seems a stretch. Considering I have remapped my controls completely.
Hmm... Am I the only one who, before I saw the part in parenthesis, thought that this was going to be about making a stud farm mod?  :???:
Tiberius Decimus Maximus said:
Hmm... Am I the only one who, before I saw the part in parenthesis, thought that this was going to be about making a stud farm mod?  :???:

I thought of that too... don't feel alone  :grin: raising horses would be a pretty cool feature though...
Huh. Well thats the first game I've seen that implements horse sex. Is it interactive?

*Merc suddenly appears interested in this thread
Ringwraith #5 said:
DerPrinz said:
I thought of that too... don't feel alone  :grin: raising horses would be a pretty cool feature though...

I meant in Mount and Blade, raising Warhorses and Chargers probably differs from showhorses a little bit...  It'd be like a personal horse if you could raise them in Mount and Blade.
DerPrinz said:
I thought of that too... don't feel alone  :grin: raising horses would be a pretty cool feature though...
They had it in a mod (craftmod I think), you bought a base horse and then trained it. Depending on your skill and your success on the training parcour you got a charger or a plow horse...
I wish the dev team could make up their minds about whether this feature is an official part of gameplay. Obviously being able to pull a dead stop from a full gallop is a bit unrealistic, but mapping it to CTRL-J is weird.

If a cheat, why is it enabled when cheats are disabled?

If not a cheat, why can't we remap the key?

fisheye said:
I wish the dev team could make up their minds about whether this feature is an official part of gameplay. Obviously being able to pull a dead stop from a full gallop is a bit unrealistic, but mapping it to CTRL-J is weird.

If a cheat, why is it enabled when cheats are disabled?

If not a cheat, why can't we remap the key?

I see. But to what use is it other then aesthetic?
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