Horse Observations

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Has anyone noticed that when you run into an enemy (knocking them down) and your horse rears up, your enemy (who is in full armor) laying on the ground can get up and swing their weapon at you before you regain control of your horse?

Also, if I am amongst a group of footsoldiers while on my horse and it rears, isn't it odd that the footsoldiers have no fear of getting trampled? I mean, wouldn't they instinctively step back?

Also, isn't it odd, that I can go from Mach 5.2 to 0 simply by rearing my horse? Maybe I should be thrown from the saddle?

Also, isn't it odd that my horse will jump down a 100ft cliff every time, crippling itself. You'd think a horse would refuse the jump AT LEAST ONCE :smile:

Also, if I hit a horseback enemy (or I get hit) square in the chest with a jousting lance or other blunt impliment of destruction, shouldn't there be a chance that the rider gets thrown from the horse?

Finally, horses that lose their riders, instead of them magically disappearing... maybe they should simply run off... Also can anyone tell me why sometimes the horse disappears and other times it doesn't? I'm thinking that maybe your ally horses don't disappear, enemy ones do? Any thoughts? Oh, one more, if you happen to take a new horse in battle, where does it go afterward? You should be able to keep it (maybe make it "stubborn" because you aren't the original owner). Oh, here's an idea... maybe all horses should start out stubborn and based on your riding skill, they get "unstubborn" The higher the skill, the faster this happens!

Sorry to ramble... maybe some of this should go in suggestions, but I'm in a rush, so sorry!
Since this isn't in the suggestions forum (I realize you said some of it should be) ... I'm assuming that this is criticism?

Try and remember this game does mounted combat better than any game out there ... and its still in beta.

Anyways ... I do agree that horses and their behaviors could use some improvement. Yet then again, any game could use improvement, so that isn't saying much. :razz:

I'm not entirely sure what this thread's purpose is for, though. These 'observations' have been made by numerous people in numerous threads throughout the forum. Or was this a compilation of things that should/could be improved upon, regarding horses?

On the contrary, lancing both the guy and the horse and seeing the horse do a head first roll and the guy go 'flying' is pretty sweet. Works best on hills.

EDIT: \/ Even with a spirited charge I still get stopped sometimes, but it's sweet charging through 8 tightly packed sardines, I mean riverpirates.
jrawlings said:
Has anyone noticed that when you run into an enemy (knocking them down) and your horse rears up, your enemy (who is in full armor) laying on the ground can get up and swing their weapon at you before you regain control of your horse?
Yah, it's been the death of me several times already in my new game. Can't wait till I get me a good charger so I can run my enemies down with impunity.

jrawlings said:
Also, if I am amongst a group of footsoldiers while on my horse and it rears, isn't it odd that the footsoldiers have no fear of getting trampled? I mean, wouldn't they instinctively step back?
That might require some pretty realistic AI, which is one of the hardest things to create for a game I think. Would be nice to see though.

jrawlings said:
Also, isn't it odd, that I can go from Mach 5.2 to 0 simply by rearing my horse? Maybe I should be thrown from the saddle?
Maybe so indeed. Could also maybe tie it to the horse riding skill, so there'd be less chance of getting thrown off if the higher your skill is.

jrawlings said:
Also, isn't it odd that my horse will jump down a 100ft cliff every time, crippling itself. You'd think a horse would refuse the jump AT LEAST ONCE :smile:
Again, would prolly require some fancy AI. Might end up being very annoying too. What if the horse AI would go bat**** insane in the middle of a battle, thanks to some bug or whatever, suddenly starts doing its own thing and no longer responds to your commands?

jrawlings said:
Also, if I hit a horseback enemy (or I get hit) square in the chest with a jousting lance or other blunt impliment of destruction, shouldn't there be a chance that the rider gets thrown from the horse?
Mmmmmh can you say ragdoll physics? ^_^

jrawlings said:
Oh, here's an idea... maybe all horses should start out stubborn and based on your riding skill, they get "unstubborn" The higher the skill, the faster this happens!
Or maybe a horse training skill?
Yeah , sheep happen . In fact , a man in armor , a heavy one especialy , not to say a knight , can't get up alone without any help . So , this thing sucks. Especialy so quick that he can hit you before you can .
Narcissus said:
Since this isn't in the suggestions forum (I realize you said some of it should be) ... I'm assuming that this is criticism?

Try and remember this game does mounted combat better than any game out there ... and its still in beta.

Narcissus: I agree that this is THE BEST game for mounted combat. I was just making some observations that might make it better. I'm sure that some of these observations were made on separate threads, but I thought I'd put them all together in one so that folks could discuss the current state of equine behavior in M&B, in the hopes of improving the game.

Morbo]Or maybe a horse training skill?[/quote] A great example! [quote="Morbo said:
jrawlings said:
Also, isn't it odd that my horse will jump down a 100ft cliff every time, crippling itself. You'd think a horse would refuse the jump AT LEAST ONCE :smile:
Again, would prolly require some fancy AI. Might end up being very annoying too. What if the horse AI would go bat**** insane in the middle of a battle, thanks to some bug or whatever, suddenly starts doing its own thing and no longer responds to your commands?

This could be a consequence of a poor riding skill. Also, there could be a chance that your horse gets "spooked" during battle. Could be hitpoint related. If the horse is reduced to say 1/3 hp, then it takes off, regardless of what you want it to do! Or, you could let anyone ride ANY horse regardless of their riding skill, but if your skill isn't high enough, the horse does what it wants instead of obeying your commands.
Yeah , sheep happen . In fact , a man in armor , a heavy one especialy , not to say a knight , can't get up alone without any help . So , this thing sucks. Especialy so quick that he can hit you before you can .

I am sorry, but you are wrong. A knight was quite capable of standing up again after being knocked off his horse and then vaulting back on, without having to use the stirrups. Remember, these were not small, weak men. They would have trained and practiced daily since they were eight. Also, well-made armour was not as heavy and cumbersome as many people think. A modern soldier has to carry more weight in weapons and equipment, and is still perfectly able to run and fight.
Still, heavily armored NPC's (and player) should have a slight delay in rising again if being knocked down.
Yeah , sheep happen . In fact , a man in armor , a heavy one especialy , not to say a knight , can't get up alone without any help . So , this thing sucks. Especialy so quick that he can hit you before you can .

That's like saying a modern day soldier can't get up from a prone position in full combat gear :roll:

After all, they carry almost the same amount of weight in armor, weapons, munitions and miscellanea.
Also can anyone tell me why sometimes the horse disappears and other times it doesn't? I'm thinking that maybe your ally horses don't disappear, enemy ones do? Any thoughts? Oh, one more, if you happen to take a new horse in battle, where does it go afterward? You should be able to keep it (maybe make it "stubborn" because you aren't the original owner).

I believe that if you are currently mounted, all horsemen that are killed will have their mounts dissapear. When you are on foot do they remain, so that you can go ride it.

I agree that if you steal an enemies horse in battle that you should be able to keep it, but I think the reason you don't is because it's such phat lewt and so easy to take. I can pretty easily kill a knight by just headshotting him from behind, so if I do that like x8 I'd have 8 really awesome horses from a single battle. Not that I'd be complaining....but still.
We'll all just have to pretend that all those horses that you don't get to keep after the battle have either been taken by your own troops, as each member of your party gets a piece of loot, or the horses have run away!

Use your imagination a lil bit more, guys! :razz:
Khamos said:
I agree that if you steal an enemies horse in battle that you should be able to keep it, but I think the reason you don't is because it's such phat lewt and so easy to take. I can pretty easily kill a knight by just headshotting him from behind, so if I do that like x8 I'd have 8 really awesome horses from a single battle. Not that I'd be complaining....but still.

Well, I think that if you knock a knight off its horse, it aughta run off or something. maybe it might hang around, who knows what a horse thinks :smile: So, in that system, you wouldn't necessarily get the "phat lewt"
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