Horse kills?

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I imagine plenty of folks must have come across a situation in which you come across, say, an enemy knight, and the exchange leaves your opponent horseless. Clearly, you've gotten the better of your opponent in that instance, but before you can circle around to finish him off, your own knights charge in and steal your kill, leaving you with, and correct me if I'm wrong, no experience. What if you gained experience points, albeit maybe fewer, for killing enemy horses as well as riders?

Of course, a suggestion was made awhile back for experience to be based on hits instead of kills. That would work just as well, perhaps even better, given the tendency of your own units to get in your way and spoil an attack run.
Your brave and enthusiastic party members swooping in after you've unhorsed an opponent to steal your kill, or just get in your way, can be annoying. I've had some success with quickly hitting 'hold position' if I suspect or see someone is about to do interfere when I would prefer them not to, but even that doesn't always work.
Well... Uhh... I can't but disagree again. First of all, killing the guy's horse isn't so much of a deal - it's often much easier than killing the warrior riding it. Also, it sort of balances things out that you get to steal kills too. Aim at the rider if you want experience!

I'm sure it's annoying, but giving experience for killing a poor animal doesn't sound fair.
Yes, killing the horse often is easier. That's why I suggested you'd get less experience for it. And yes, you can steal kills, but a smart player, knowing a given unit may need the experience to level up into a more useful unit, would not. Your units are incapable of making any such distinction. As for the rest of your argument...yeah, not sure what to do with that. There's nothing unfair about it, and the "poor animal" is in fact a collection of polygons, just like anything else you fight.

Ideally, I'd like to see experience based on individual blows you land to man and beast, to be tallied up after the fight. But if the experience is to be based on kills alone, a dead horse can be almost as big of a handicap as a dead knight. That ought to be rewarded.
A kill is a kill, horse or man. I think killing both should award more points, I mean its harder to fight mounted troops, the EXP should reflect that. So yeah, I agree.

Not necesarrily. The horse is bigger and easier to hit. Especially if it hits a mob of your men. The man however can easily parry and block. Therefor horse kills should be less. Although an XP system based on hits would be good too.
This was discussed not long ago, and even armagan didn't like the idea of awarding exp for damage dealt. I don't think that you should really get exp for killing a horse either. But one thing that would make alot of sense is gaining weapon expertise for hitting a horse. Not a big deal though.
I can already see people first kiling the rider, then gallantly skewering the horses they rode. Or, better yet, tell all of his soldiers to dismount, kill all of their horses, and then kill all the enemies.
With my heavy Great Axe and my heavy charger, I can kill both a Dark Knight and his warhorse in one hit if i get going fast enough :smile:
Worbah said:
I can already see people first kiling the rider, then gallantly skewering the horses they rode. Or, better yet, tell all of his soldiers to dismount, kill all of their horses, and then kill all the enemies.

Now hold on. I don't know how difficult it would be to remove an experience bonus for killing friendly horses, but I for one would never do it anyway. In some cases, such as a fight in a river, knights might fight better on foot, but by and large, robbing them of their horses would leave them slow, and utterly at the mercy of certain units, especially the Black Khergit horse archers. As for killing enemy horses after you've killed the riders, this would be impossible most of the time anyway, for the same reason you often can't mount them after you've dispatched the rider. They just become scenery. As for killing those who DO remain tangible, assuming that's possible, in the future there might be the possibility of capturing those horses, and turning a good profit for selling the higher end ones.

But say you DID want to kill a horse after the rider, though your own troops would be programmed not to (Again, sorry, I have no idea what difficulties, if any, that would represent. I AM just throwing out ideas here.)...what's the problem? A dead horse is one that en enemy knight can't remount, even though technically they don't try it anyway. And as recognized by certain kings and counts in various quests, the loss of good horses hurts the overall war effort. By killing a horse, you strike a blow at the enemy. Why not reward that?

DaLagga said:
This was discussed not long ago, and even armagan didn't like the idea of awarding exp for damage dealt.

I remember that. Could you remind me which thread that was? As I recall, the reason armagan gave for making experience based on kills was because it'd be annoying to see an exp point notice flash on screen every time you hit someone. It was suggested that the exp points would just be tallied after the battle, and I don't know whether or not he ever commented on whether that would be feasible or not.
I already get a bonus for not killing the horse, I get the horse. But it IS more dificult to kill off a mounted troop. Thats what I think should get a bonus, if the horse dies in the process then thats how it goes.

Should I get exp for killing a riderless horse? I dont even think you can kill a riderless horse, can you? Never tried it. Well I guess I'll go try it now...

Ok Vaigerian deserters, some mounted, some on foot. 85 exp for killing either one, the mounted troops though get around better and can deal warrider damage. So how is it fair to get the same exp for more work and more risk? Managed to kill a couple of the mounted guys without killing their steed, turned fired arrows at the horse, and no luck there. without a rider they are just not mortal.

Its not a big deal I suppose, but it is kind of a bummer. I still suport more EXP for killing mounted troops. Maybe have that experience lost if the mount dies first, but thats a rip too, cause if the troop were not mounted and I hit him he would be dead right away, in effect, much of the time I have to kill the troop twice.

Then by all means make the horses impervious to attack (it will hurt realism though), but isnt it kind of unfair to get the same exp for killing footmen as you do for mounted cavalry? Im not looking for a lot really, just maybe an extra 10-15% over the same level troop that has no horse.

If you want to discourage horse killing, then you could give an exp penalty for killing the horse.

I have no grudge against our equine friends, I would rather have the money for selling them anyway. I found myself running out of food while camping outside Zendar last night. Ran out of food, troops started whining about it, and while I could have dropped that swaybacked saddlehorse in for them to eat, I chose not to. I was close enough to just break camp and head to the merchant for some dried meat, which is what I did. Sold the horse to pay for the meat in fact.

I like animals, even the ones that arent cute. :wink:

armagan said:
Sorry. There's no way I would accept to grant XP for killing such beautiful and noble animals.

So long as we can still place the horses snugly into our food slot and devour them, I'm happy.

However, being able to put prisoners into our food slot would also we welcome. If implemented, I think cannibalism should grant an experience bonus. The more powerful the prisoner you just consumed, the more you get. Sinking your teeth into and ripping the flesh off a dark knight should grant more experience than eating a lowly river pirate.
Captain Black:
I understand your point but sometimes killing a footman may be more difficult than killing a horseman. It is very difficult to quantify such things.

Killing horses was part of the harsh reality of medieval warfare. It wouldn't be correct to leave that out. But rewarding players for killing horses is an entirely different thing. :smile:

Did you ever play ADOM? I am sure you would enjoy that. One of my favorite characters there was a Troll priest who just loved eating people :twisted: .
armagan said:
Captain Black:
I understand your point but sometimes killing a footman may be more difficult than killing a horseman. It is very difficult to quantify such things.

Killing horses was part of the harsh reality of medieval warfare. It wouldn't be correct to leave that out. But rewarding players for killing horses is an entirely different thing. :smile:

My first post here was kind of an (in character of a heartless bastared) joke. Im not asking for more exp for killing the horse, but I'll let it go.

It's all good. Glad to be here.

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