Horse Healing?

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Hi Guys

In v.704 can you heal a lame horse and how long does it take? I've kept two lame horses in my inventory for some time now (I'm level 22) and they don't seem to heal.

I put also put a lame courser each in Madrid's and Borcha's inventories and they are still lame too.

Do they ever heal or am I better to sell them off. Seems a waste of a heavy warhorse and 3K+ (God, I hate dark knights).

they do heal over time.

It depends on your skill in surgery. at skill level 0, it takes 30 dys. a skill level 8 it takes around 5 days I believe.

once the horse heals, all modifiers (spirited, heavy, stubborn, swaybacked) are lost, and the horse becomes normal.
I wasn't aware of this until recently and have been experimenting. I have had a lame courser since day 1, and I'm currently on day 27 and it still hasn't healed. I have 4 surgery skill. On the other hand I have had several warhorses, steppe horses and the like, all lame at first, that healed in about 4/5 days. Hmmmmmm....
Well under that senario I'm definately better off selling the horse. I could make 10 times the cost of a decent horse over the period it would take to heal and if the horse loses it's attributes its pretty worthless anyway.
Whichever one it is it does not seem to work consistently. Chainsore, it does work out fine at times, particularly when you get a lame Warhorse and nurse it back to full health before selling it.
On the subject of selling horses, do some towns offer better prices for horses or are they all the same?
yeah... wait.. True. It is wound treatment. It speeds up th healing rate of everything. Surgery just decreases the cance one of your soldiers dies when given a fatal blow.
I don't think lame horse will heal at all if you have given them to Marnid and Borcha, because I don't think changes to horses can happen when they are with an NPC.

However, the advantage of this fact is that a perfectly healthy horse will never go lame if you give it to Marnid or Borcha.
Ingolifs said:
they do heal over time.

It depends on your skill in surgery. at skill level 0, it takes 30 dys. a skill level 8 it takes around 5 days I believe.

once the horse heals, all modifiers (spirited, heavy, stubborn, swaybacked) are lost, and the horse becomes normal.

Is it surgery or wound treatment? Also, does it depend on YOUR skill, or the best skill in the party... For me, Marnid has 4 wound healing, while I have 0, so should I give all my lame horses to him?
Me said:
I don't think lame horse will heal at all if you have given them to Marnid and Borcha, because I don't think changes to horses can happen when they are with an NPC.

However, the advantage of this fact is that a perfectly healthy horse will never go lame if you give it to Marnid or Borcha.

I'd say no, don't give your lame horses to Marnid :razz:
I've placed lame horses with both Madrid, Borcha and one on my characters. None of them have healed.

It doesn't look as if the party healing/surgery stats extends to horses. I guess I'll have to put a few points into my characters surgery and see if that changes anything.
Does riding a lame horse prevent it from healing? I've been playing this game for a few months and never had the patience to find out whether they only heal in inventory or not.
Yes it does ... I'm about 85-90% sure, anyways. :wink:

The horse must be in your inventory ... it can't be ridden and it can't be given to your NPCs. Anything placed on your NPCs like Marnid and Borcha stay the exact same. You can give one of them a spirited hunter and for the next twenty battles, kill it the instant battle starts.

Then retrieve it from their inventory and it is the exact same as when given. :shock:

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