Horse full stop, full go (simple and neat)

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Sergeant Knight
Idea: in battle mode, quickly tap "back" twice to full-stop your horse.

As an additional improvement, on doing that move you could hear your hero saying "Oh-ooh" to his horse (not a-la Santa Claus, but a-la "experienced rider telling his horse to stop", if you know what I mean).

This should not be a way to decelerate any faster than you otherwise would, but just a way to avoid fiddling with keys in order to stop.

[[I explain: maybe it is just me, but currently coming to a full halt with an horse is a little painful.
Like: "slower" "slower (steady, now)" "ok, we are amost there, still slower (careful)" "no, not backward! now forward" "ok, now a little slower" "got it! Now where is that crossbow again?".
I'm exaggerating, but you get the idea. Not only it is (minor) a pain in the neck, but it's also unrealistic: it should be a lot simpler to just halt.]]

Likewise, it would be cool to tap "forward" key twice (and keep it pressed the second time) to break into a sudden gallop. Maybe when you did you would accelerate a little faster (if in a less controlled, i.e. not reversible, way), but the main motivation would be to hear the cool "ah!" that your hero would address to his horse (again: "ah!" not as in someone laughing, but as in saying "gallop, NOW!" in human-to-horse-tongue). At the same time as the "ah!", a little animation of you hitting the unfortunate animal with the spurs would be fitting.

PS: coolest game ever, cannot stop playing. Must... sleep.... must ... work... must.... eat.... after just another battle.
Blackish_sheep said:
1: you cant go from zero velocity in max velocity in 0 time

Right, I was not suggesting that. A possibility is to make it accelerate just a little faster on a double-tap-forward start compared with a on"incremental speed" start (which would still needed to set any intermediate speed - and can still be used to go to max speed, only a little later).

I'm not an expert in horse gaits: can an horse really make a galloping start, os is it just a commonplace? Judging from movie impressions, they can. If so, it would be cool if they did in M&B too on "double tap forward" (and, as cosmetics, spur hit + appropriate shouting). Of course I agree, it would still be tackig some time to go from 0 to full speed.

Blackish_sheep said:
2: you can already stop your horse ctrl+r

Thank you! good to know! I'll try right away...
(Is there any other nlisted command that might be
worth knowing?)


I tryed. hum... it seems that you cannot relocate that key combination to a more immediate one, and that the horse stops by wasting a lot of time raging, which usually is the punishment for mis-manuvering and lancing a tree instead of the designed victim (so risking encirclement by less than friendly mob on foot).

I'm not proposing a revolutionary impovement here, just a minor style and usability one: easily accessible double-tab-backward, resulting deceleration just as if one pressed backward exactly until full stop is reached, + cosmetic stopping shout. And the forward counterpart: the sequence I vision for thgat is: "Ah!"+[decisive spur] + [very small timing pause]+[horse breaks in a gallopp as fast as he can].

PS: nice logo Blackish!
I like this idea too, but it should be dependant on riding skill. I'd say, before LVL 5 you shouldn't be able to command the horse this way. Once you hit LVL 5 you should get these abilities. A novice rider wouldn't be able to get the horse into full gallop quickly, nor get him to stop abruptly.
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