horse falls over backward and is crippled?

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Ok, i don't know much about horses, but it seems very unrealistic to me that horses take huge amounts of damage if they fall onto their backs. I've never had a horse fall onto it's back and survive. I can understand that if you're climbing up a steep hill on your horse and you jump it and fall over backward, it will be severely hurt, but if you're jumping out of a shallow river onto the bank, and your horse doesn't quite jump high enough to get all the way up onto the land, and it falls back into the water (about a 3 foot fall), then ur horse shouldn't take like 120 damage. In fact, I'm not sure it should take any damage.

It seems to me that the way they programmed it, horses just take a huge amount of damage if they land on their back, nomatter what. Maybe the rider should take tons of damage, since a horse is falling on them, but the horse shouldn't take damage.
seems reasonable to me considering that the horse weighs so much - and if it is armoured and also carrying an overweight - armed to the teeth rider, it might not fall 'right' and could hurt itself badly.
Especially true for jumping and galloping - i seen equestrian and racde horses break their limbs on what appeared to be an easy fall.
A bit of luck i suppose...
There are a lot of issues with horses and damage, and combined with the fact that tumbling off of a crumpling horse deals no damage to you whatsoever, horses and their physics have a ways to go.

Then throw in the AIs performance on horseback and weep.
ya, whether i'm right or wrong about the horse taking damage, the rider should deffinately be at risk for getting massive damage from a horse falling on them.
Homie said:
ya, whether i'm right or wrong about the horse taking damage, the rider should deffinately be at risk for getting massive damage from a horse falling on them.

I said you proberly broke your legs, like in LotR ( ... ) where that king tottaly loose it when his horse lands on him, or if you crash on a motor bike proberly hurt you badly too
Oh yeah, lets just make it so when your horse falls on you, you die. That's realistic, isn't it? Oh wait... horses get knocked out from under you so often, you'd end up dying all the time. The way it is is fine, since it is already a huge disadvantage to be unhorsed in a crowd, and getting a new horse is very expensive if yours gets crippled.
Mage246 said:
Oh yeah, lets just make it so when your horse falls on you, you die. That's realistic, isn't it? Oh wait... horses get knocked out from under you so often, you'd end up dying all the time. The way it is is fine, since it is already a huge disadvantage to be unhorsed in a crowd, and getting a new horse is very expensive if yours gets crippled.

Dude, your horse doesn't fall on you that often. I've never had my horse fall on me when i'm in combat. If an enemy kills my horse, i usualy tumble off of it, and the horse never lands on me. I'm talking about if your horse falls backwards off a cliff. Or jumps onto a river bank that's too steep. This usualy happens when you're not fighting enemies. If there are enemies chasing me, i generaly don't try running up steep hills and jumping my horse.

And I never said enough damage to kill you, i just meant significant damage.
i've jumped over a rock out of combat and crippled my horse before... it was on a hill and my horse took 153 damage and crippled.

once i tried to jump over a creek, and when my horse landed it took damage and crippled.

i don't jump anymore :oops:
Generally, if a horse falls, its rider tends to injure their legs by being partially crushed by the horse. If you want realism, then you are saying you wish you'd be unable to move after your horse falls.
A sort of vulnerable recovery period after you fall and some damage would do.

Dying every time your horse falls would be taking it to the extreme.
Juno said:
Homie said:
I've never had my horse fall on me when i'm in combat.

does it ever happen not in combat :???:

Did you read anything i wrote?? The entire discussion is about horses falling backwards onto you when you try to ride up a cliff that is too steep, or when you try to jump out of the river onto the river bank which is too steep. Neither of these things occur during combat.
Mage246 said:
Generally, if a horse falls, its rider tends to injure their legs by being partially crushed by the horse. If you want realism, then you are saying you wish you'd be unable to move after your horse falls.

There is no locational damage in this game. If you get shot in the arm with an arrow, you are still able to use that arm. The damage goes to your whole character, so, no I don't want leg damage. I WANT CHARACTER DAMAGE. Which is what i've said atleast 3 times.
Just stop killing your horses man. They are flesh and blood creatures. It hasn't been a big issue for me. I haven't even killed a horse by slipping off of a cliff lately. I don't know much about horses either but from what I've learned they aren't naturally tough anyway except with each other.
I think our mounts will last a wee bit longer if we treat them like Horses, not humvees in Halo!
That said, my squire's sorry excuse for a horse usually doesn't make it pass the second or third fight.
I only treat expensive horses with respect.

I'd often tell my troops to dismount and take their's which can't be crippled. Or I'd steal an enemy's horse and jump em off some cliffs.

I wish I could dismount in midair. Medieval stunt knight.
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