Horse Archers

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I noticed that some nations actually have Horse Archers, well, that is great, cause I simply love to play Khergit in Native(my pic as a proof), and I couldn't wait to put my hands on some Horse Archers, though I am quite unsure, I mean, have they good damage base? What is the HOrse Archer with more damage? And the one that is faster?
Hmm. I think Hungary had the best horse archers. Remember the X. century. And they kept it alive. Their soldiers were mostly light cavalry and horse archers in that time ( and in the most of the history).
The Almohads have poor horse archers. I must have killed at least 300+ and only lost around 100 people to them and thats mainly from seiges.
I'm using a combination of serbian horse archers and hungarian horse archers. Polish horse archers seem nice too, but I'm not sure if they are accurate. There are many, many choices.
Sensei said:
I'm using a combination of serbian horse archers and hungarian horse archers. Polish horse archers seem nice too, but I'm not sure if they are accurate. There are many, many choices.

Polish army shouldn't have formations of horse archers, at least not if this mod is around 100 years earlier or 400 later :neutral:
Yea, I was thinking about hungary because of that, they were prettu good archers at the time, but it seems that the Serbians do more damage  :???:...
Do not look here said:
Polish army shouldn't have formations of horse archers, at least not if this mod is around 100 years earlier or 400 later :neutral:
For some reason it does. They wear really light armour, like hungarian horse archers.
Sensei said:
Do not look here said:
Polish army shouldn't have formations of horse archers, at least not if this mod is around 100 years earlier or 400 later :neutral:
For some reason it does. They wear really light armour, like hungarian horse archers.

No, not really. In XIII century we were trying to be more... Western. In X century we had guys called Drużynnik, that were equipped with bows or javelins, but also spears, axes and swords. They were some kind of heavy cavalry.

But in XIII we had only those horse archers, which were equipped with bows as light cavalry (oh yes... maybe you could equip Polish Light Cavalry with bows? Not dogmatic altought) brought by richer nobles.
Rich nobles were coming for king's ask with company of light cavalrymen.
Ordinary nobles with one or two light cavalrymen and group of peasent militia.
Poor nobles were coming alone.
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