Effidian: Nope I'm happy with those, they are basicly marksmen already, my god they are overpowered
ShangTang: I just prefer to have them after Horsemen considering that horsemen are the closest things to skirmishers, they sometimes carry bows as it is. + these babies are way too powerfull to be put into anything but final tier
One problem, however, is that the horse-archers don't seem to be equipped with any sort of melee weapon. When an enemy gets up close to an un-horsed archer, he just stands there and gets cut to ribbons.
Voldy: that was actually on purpose. In my experience they tend to prefer using melee weapons when an enemy even gets close wich isn't exactly what you'd want from people that are supposed to ride by the enemy and shoot them at point blank range, hmm?
okay sure:
1) When you meet a party of an ally, you can hire their soldiers from them (including farmers and peasants).
2) Give the guy in Dhorak keep an option to make bandits (river pirates, mountain bandits, dark knights, etc) your allies and all other parties your enemies (including farmers and peasants).
I'm not sure if that's even remotely possible with the way the game is build, but I could always think of something else
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