Honor trait and Villages

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Picked up the Honorable trait; probably just for doing missions and not abandoning them, saving a few lords, and for using the "most kind" option on the Collect Revenues quest.

Then I got the Raid Enemy Villages quest from my liege; re-noticed the "...has dishonoured themself" line.

How far can I abuse this mechanic? I raided about 4 villages before the war ended (no payout :facepalm:), but how much Dishonor would drop the trait? Anyone know/seen?


PostScript: Anyone think we need about 2 or 3 times as many villages, not necessarily attached to a Town/Castle?
PostScript: Anyone think we need about 2 or 3 times as many villages, not necessarily attached to a Town/Castle?
I think it would be cool for more villages to start up as the game goes on and especially for the player make them, both for themselves and others if they want to spend resources but can be upgraded to have notable and even a secondary or great production as time goes on. Gives the player another proactive things to do to influence the game other then lob off every one head, which is fun as ****, but I want to build farms too!
I think it would be cool for more villages to start up as the game goes on
Well, I thought about that idea, and I think the vibe (in Vanilla) could be more static village locations, but more removed from civilization. (Ya used to get a frontline village from your Liege and nothing else, and it would get raided every time you were out of sight of it)

Villages don't NEED towns or castles. Safety just helps THEIR hearths. They got it bakwoidz.
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