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Is it just me or does this forum have alot of people with really bad attitudes towards anyone they disagree with? I see alot of overly harsh comments towards people who are, in my opinion, often making legit suggestions, or asking questions. I'm not referring to people who do blantant things. I mean if someone is posting in the wrong section, but they're new, just tell them. i've seen people apologise and STILL get flamed after this!

Come on guys, everyone was a bit noob at one stage or another. Such an enviroment could scare people away from contributing to an otherwise rich community, not to mention actually buying the game!
LetterAfterZ said:
I've seen people apologise and STILL get flamed after this!
I agree that this one is unnacceptable and shouldn't happen (unless they do it "yea yea I'm sorry no need to be so touchy you ****ers" (I've seen a lot of these)).
And I also agree that you shouldn't gang up on them, one guy correcting them should be enough
Not that I am admitting anything :grin:, but...

Just how difficult it can be to spot huge Bug Reports at the forum index? You don't need to be a CS major to notice it.
PrinceScamp said:
Same, do we have a Narcissus worshipping thread yet?
Nope and we don't need one. I would be forced to lock it and then delete it as it would be malicious propaganda!

Seriously, I appreciate the nice things and especially some of the PMs that I have been getting. Its flattering that everyone is being so welcoming and kind ... :oops:

Ingolifs said:
Is it true that the mods have their own secret forum where they store porn and beer?

Might be true, if you remember the case where armagan and alphabeta had a beer on the net and a fight about a chick. Maybe it happened there :razz:
LetterAfterZ said:
Is it just me or does this forum have alot of people with really bad attitudes towards anyone they disagree with? I see alot of overly harsh comments towards people who are, in my opinion, often making legit suggestions, or asking questions. I'm not referring to people who do blantant things. I mean if someone is posting in the wrong section, but they're new, just tell them. i've seen people apologise and STILL get flamed after this!

Come on guys, everyone was a bit noob at one stage or another. Such an enviroment could scare people away from contributing to an otherwise rich community, not to mention actually buying the game!

I've no idea. I try to treat everyone equally and I don't pay attention to the idiots.
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