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I was just wondering why you have to sell/buy items with your heroes? Considering most of the time it causes you to lose out on cash, and then you HAVE to buy back any items you get them to hold (to help carry the parties load for quests and such), it doesn't make much sense to me. I'm sure noone would mind spending party money to upgrade their equipment, without having to buy it back.

Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but i was just wondering about it, and the search didn't help me find this topic

Thanks :smile:
The Heros' inventory works like a shop. I think they'll have to make it so that all sales to the NPC have a -100% proffit and and all buys a +100% proffit. Sort of what happens when you trade other materials, buying them low and selling them high.
It can became somwhat an issue sometimes, I agree.
Maybe just changing the buy/sell ratio would work without the need of further system tweaking...
I believe Armagan has already commented on why he made the hero inventory the way he did. I think (I'm recalling from memory of a thread I saw a long while ago) he said something about wanting to avoid putting ways to cheat into the game itself (for instance, enabling quit without save, going to arena, and loading the game right before you fight in case you lost). Past about ~20th level it's not that big a deal anyway.
n00854180t said:
I believe Armagan has already commented on why he made the hero inventory the way he did. I think (I'm recalling from memory of a thread I saw a long while ago) he said something about wanting to avoid putting ways to cheat into the game itself

What, so it's to avoid people using the heroes as pack mules, is that what you mean? Well, if so, you could limit their inventory size to just enough to carry armor and weapons, and/or make them lose items randomly if they lose a battle, just like the player does.
All you would have to do is give them an inventory screen just like yours, just remove the whole right hand side so you can't use them to store extra stuff.
DaLagga said:
All you would have to do is give them an inventory screen just like yours, just remove the whole right hand side so you can't use them to store extra stuff.

Would be good, but not entirely unproblematic. At the moment the heroes work exactly like shops, using the same code. If you were to change the system to something else, you'd have to rewrite stuff, which would be a bit of work. Nevertheless, I would like to see it done. :smile:
Whenever you take a weapon from them, and give them a better weapon, you make money cause of how much yr selling the better weapon for.... (unless they are broke, then you break even)

if yr downgrading.. well, if yr that poor, just let them keep the weapon, an go hunt river pirates......

I have never payed money to Borcha or Marnid :grin:
I think this could be fixed in the next version because he is adding chests, and you'd think that the code for chests is almost exactly what is needed for hero inventories. Armagan you already did this, right? :wink:
Well, whether it done sooner or later, i feel that it probably is a change that needs to be implimented...

Just makes more sense to me :smile:
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