Hmm, why are females more Intelligent???

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Well, call me crazy but based on the time period, should they not be equal, or the other way around entirely?

If anything you would think females would have a higher average charisma score, though the way the leadership skill is based off of charisma that would be a bit tricky ballance wise, but still a bit more realistic.

What follows would best belong in the sugestions section, but I don't really see a need to make two different posts.

What M&B really needs is to have some skills based off of more than one stat.

IE Leadership off of Int&Cha, and the things that need to eventually be implemented just as stam being based on Str&Dex. A lot more could be posted about this, and I may later, just in a RL hurry atm.
Yeah, but they still had to follow their lord even if he was a stupid moron. Women wouldn't have higher leadership since at that time generaly women stuck ot the fields, house, or bower depending on their station in life. Although a few would have some power/leadership capabilities, more often in a peasent vllage though or pillow talk. Also there are some good ideas for the skill system, just can't remember WHERE they are in here.
Let me clear that up a but, I didnt say women should be better at leadership, I said it would actually be a balance problem. Thus the whole leadership based off of Int/Cha rant. :grin:
Realistically gender choice should have some determination on a characters stats. In real life males and females do have natural differences. Obviously a women can become stronger than a man, but that doesn't mean she started out as strong as the man did before working towards that goal.
All I'm saying is that the medieval ages were not known for their abundant female scholars....

I lean more toward females having higher dexterity/charisma...
I agree with Jhaerik. With a revamp of the skill system it would be quite easy to balance it properly. Although right now it would be a bit unrealistic to make women better military leaders (more charisma and i.e. more leadership).
Huh, if you wanna play a realistic female character, you're not going to do anything but watch the arena fights and maybe make some cash by that. And well, maybe do some trade, but leave all the fighting to your bodyguards.
Talking about realistic females in the game here is just ridiculous!

Its like Dynamite_Cow said... and for doing so she probably would have to be married to some one rich, otherwise she would be out on the fields as farmer and get slaughtered by some river pirates.

So i dont think there should be any difference but the look + the response to your character.
If the game was 'realistic' then nobody would play women. Intelligence would be the same, agility would be down one point, and charisma and strength would be down two points.
A point to note: The world of Mount & Blade is its own world and doesn't have to bind itself rigidly to real history. And it hasn't really so far. The similarities until now are mainly aesthetic. Gender roles in medieval European society don't matter too much.
Well, please down't shoot me down for this, but I honestly don't thing females really belong in this game as playable at all.

That said, in all honest, they should have lower stats overall. Even if this isn't based somewhat on medieval europe, I mean whats with the super intelligent amazon thing going on atm?

It's a fact that women are just as smart as men, and just as charismatic(though I have a strong feeling a senators wife could which easily yank him by the chain if you catch my drift with a bit of Though when you get right down too it, women simply can't be as strong, dexterity would be based on it its actual quickness....or nimbility.

I know from a balance stand point this is a good thing, but for a game that prides itself on realism, it kinda irks me.
DannyT said:
women more inteliegnt? wooot?

Oh, the irony.

Jhaerik said:
That said, in all honest, they should have lower stats overall. Even if this isn't based somewhat on medieval europe, I mean whats with the super intelligent amazon thing going on atm?

It's a fact that women are just as smart as men, and just as charismatic(though I have a strong feeling a senators wife could which easily yank him by the chain if you catch my drift with a bit of Though when you get right down too it, women simply can't be as strong, dexterity would be based on it its actual quickness....or nimbility.

****, my cousin would just LOVE you (she is high-up in this feminist organisation), but all that aside, mostly the "feminine feebleness" is caused by society. Muscular women are rarely approved. I've seen some STRONG women. Usually they reside in the countryside, and haven't heard of words like fluffy or soft.
"I've seen some STRONG women. Usually they reside in the countryside, and haven't heard of words like fluffy or soft."...

^ ^ ^

Do you have her phone number...? :shock:
Worbah said:
DannyT said:
women more inteliegnt? wooot?

Oh, the irony.

Jhaerik said:
That said, in all honest, they should have lower stats overall. Even if this isn't based somewhat on medieval europe, I mean whats with the super intelligent amazon thing going on atm?

It's a fact that women are just as smart as men, and just as charismatic(though I have a strong feeling a senators wife could which easily yank him by the chain if you catch my drift with a bit of Though when you get right down too it, women simply can't be as strong, dexterity would be based on it its actual quickness....or nimbility.

****, my cousin would just LOVE you (she is high-up in this feminist organisation), but all that aside, mostly the "feminine feebleness" is caused by society. Muscular women are rarely approved. I've seen some STRONG women. Usually they reside in the countryside, and haven't heard of words like fluffy or soft.

It is a biological fact that women simply can't hone their muscles to the extent men can. Look at professional bodybuilders, weightlifters, etc. If you have a man and a woman who are equally dedicated to practice, the man will be stronger. It's not cultural, it's biological. To say otherwise would be to support theories of the '60s/'70s, which simply didn't hold up to scientific scrutiny.
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