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is it a possibility that a mod, like a total conversion, could actually turn off the serial key? Just wondering, cause alot of the codes would be edited.
:???: are you living in turkey?i don't know that there is shish kebab in finland :lol:
sharp_spike said:
:???: are you living in turkey?i don't know that there is shish kebab in finland :lol:

We got all kinds of kebab here, people like kebab alot here, theres alot of turks who drive kebab/pizza taxi here, they are a bit bad at finnish though so mistakes happen quite a lot, and sometimes its quite funny. My friend ordered a few kebabs and then the taxi driver called and said something like this:

I cant find the address, where are you?

then my friend explained where he lives

The driver said "im coming running on foot!"
When he arrived he noticed that a bus coudlnt get through, his car was in the way, then he yelled:

oh****oh**** and started running back to the car, it was quite funny when he said all that in finnish :lol:. But yes kebab is a good food and we eat it alot :cool:
turks in finland :???: i would like to come to finland if i would know where finland is :lol:
that helped a lot...sorry but i can't write english anymore.our moderator won't like this :smile: i should go to sleep.ZZZzzzz!!!
Yea, Shish Kebab is good stuff :grin:

When I lived in Krasnodar on Kuban, we cooked that all the time.
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