HITMEN CLAN -clan of assasins [recruiting]

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HITMEN is a unique clan of Mount and Blade:Warband.You can call us bandits, armed group,killers but not knights, although we still have our own honor code .. HITMEN playstyle is different than most clans .. As a killer he take part in open battles, he never retreat and hide but our aim is something else .. HITMEN are like a murderer to order, select the victim (mostly best warrior of opposing team ), and eliminate at all costs to weak enemy team and their morale .. Through the ambush, a diversion, with criminal attacks and encirclement lone warrior in a few people away from help, or by weakening it, and confusion ... We fight to the enemy realized that at any moment may be taken for the purpose by the killers, if too much of a lean ... Of course, if such tactics is needed, in classic battles or fight side by side with others and never do not show fear ..Lone Hitmen does not stand out so much style game, but when we play as a team everyone must be vigilant when we take it on aim...

Our website

Recruitment link
From at least 20 years old ( but we allow exceptions in  -then at least 1:cool:     

Our clanserver - HITMEN Clanserver


Stratigos001 said:
I think this is the first assassin clan. Am I right?

I never heard about another one:smile:I think HITMEN clan is first assasins clan in multiplayer games ever.
We are international clan and our recruitment are still open
Ignatus said:
I think HITMEN clan is first assasins clan in multiplayer games ever.

I dont understand that facepalm... Show me at least one clan with plays in rules similar to us..The name "assasins" of any else clan dont mean that they are real assasins, we are- we hunting for other ,targetet players, like killers for order..If you heard before about something like that please tell me.. Greetings

And that is good explanation.Never heard about that bounty hunters before..See ya on battlegrounds:smile:
Hey Hitmen,

While this is a nice idea in theory, I doubt your principles will work out in actual battles.
Sneaking of course works, if you're unnoticed and the rest of the team fights with "proper" tactics. Concentrating on a target "at all costs" in order to "confuse" the enemy team, however, will not work. Unless you're always playing alone and doing the lone free agent that sneaks and backstabs, the presence of a whole team aiming for one guy and ignoring the rest will pretty much undo the effect and end in slaughter (if opposed by a somewhat organised team).

Do you plan to play matches against other clans? Or do you consider yourself as a company of bounty hunters that don't really act as a team?

Good luck anyway.  :smile: 
If you are out and about trying to sneak a kill looking for a thrill and a giant lightning bolt zaps you in the arse, thats me.

Good luck  :razz:
Thanks all for good wishes :smile: Clan working from 6 months and our hunt tactics works very well:smile: We fight in battle like others but our main objective is kill the target

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